Monday, December 6, 2010

Is Your Programming Focused on the "Right Things"?

Many thanks to Ed Bernd for the following:

Much of the information that you see on the internet about programming focuses on the wrong things. If you are doing things for selfish reasons, why should anybody want to help you?

Graduates often called or wrote to us asking for guidance and help. We consulted with Jose and Juan Silva on these questions, and often asked them to review what we wrote before we sent it.

Here is a question from a Silva graduate, and the type of response that Jose Silva would typically tell us to:

Q: I am a Silva graduate from Bombay, India. Jose Silva's success story is something unique and truly inspiring.

I suppose successes vary between individuals. I feel that some people are able to go far with the techniques while others do average. I firmly believe that everyone benefits, though.

Some of my projects have been going on for quite some time. I suppose if one does not achieve some things, the method teaches you to accept the situation and go far in other areas.

On the other hand, it is difficult for me to believe that one cannot achieve almost anything with the method. Probably, we require more work at the objective level if we don't achieve things that we programmed for. Also, repeating the seminar whenever one gets a chance, helps to keep one's belief system firm.

I felt like sharing my views with you and would be happy to hear from you.

A: You have good insight and understanding. Congratulations on your successes.

In every field of endeavor, some people do better than others. This is natural. And it applies to the Silva Method as well.

Remember the standard things:

Establish your level

1. Practice the Long Relaxation Exercise at least once a week.

Really get involved in it; don't just "go through the motions," but really relax, both physically and mentally.

It is easiest to do this when you do it on your own. You can use an audio cassette tape to guide you until you memorize it. Or someone who has completed the Silva Ultra Seminar can read it to you. But once you learn how to do it, then do it on your own,

You do not want to become automated, you want to get totally involved and actually do everything you are instructed to do.

Nobody else knows how much you need to relax, or what body parts you needs to relax. You know better than anyone else. Nobody else knows how badly you are hurting, or what you need to work on, the way that you do.

Fulfill your responsibility

2. Use your newfound abilities to help correct problems.

That is, work health cases, and help people who need help whenever you come across them.

Mr. Silva believes that this is why we were sent to earth: to correct problems. If you are not using your mind and your mental abilities to correct problems, then you may lose the ability that you have developed.

If you only use these abilities to help yourself, you probably won't get help from the "other side," from whoever has been assigned by higher intelligence to help us.

If you are only out to help yourself, then you may find that nobody else is going to have much interest in helping you.

The more people you help, the more help you will receive from high intelligence on the other side, when you need it.

Mr. Silva advises that any programming you do should benefit at least two other people, or more.

Follow the feedback

3. Let your results guide you as to how to proceed. This will keep you on the right course.

Don't give up too quickly, of course, but do not continue to fight a project when all the signs indicate that this is not the correct thing for you to be working on.

Jose Silva says that we don't batter down doors. Give the door a big push, and try it a couple more times, but if it just won't open, then back off and look around for another door. And sometimes, we find that we should be going into a different room anyway (change your methods, or even change your goals).

When you program, look for feedback, to let you know how you are doing.

It is the same as when you work health cases: You report everything that you experience while working the case, and the orientologist then tells you which information can be confirmed. You then use this information to establish points

of reference so that you will be more accurate in the future.

When you program, you are not certain whether you are really communicating in the subjective dimension, or just fantasizing. A fantasy won't produce results. Programming at level will.

Your results will let you know whether you were fantasizing, or actually communicating. Just like working health cases, when the feedback lets you separate the guesses from the information that you actually detect.
If you program for something and you don't see something happen within the next few days, then go to your level and analyze the situation and figure out what else you can do.

On the other hand, if something happens - the situation improves in some way, some opportunity presents itself, etc., then do more of what you were doing.

If the situation gets worse, then you know you are heading in the wrong direction, and you make a change.

You might change how you program, or how long you spend on the project, or which technique you use. You might even change your goal.

The feedback you get will let you know what to do, and how to proceed.

Participate in a support system

4. Work with other Silva Method graduates.

Organize a support system. You can meet, or phone one another, or email each other - do whatever you need to do to form a support system.

When you help other people, and they help you, then several things happen:

*You will get to know each other so well that you will be able to make very good suggestions to each other.
*Other people will notice things about you that you do not notice about yourself - if you knew all the answers, you wouldn't have the problems, so they can often see answers that we don't see in yourselves.

*And when you have helped one another, you will all build up so much desire to help each other, that you will all achieve your goals much faster.

Desire is the force that propels us towards our goals, and the stronger it is, the quicker we will reach those goals. With enough desire, anything is possible.

Be realistic

Jose Silva also advises us to work on projects that are within the "possibility area."
For instance, we do not really believe that we are suddenly going to sprout wings and fly, just because we imagine it at level. That is not within the possibility area.
Somebody with little experience cannot reasonably expect to become president of a big company next week. That is not within the possibility area.

You can take things one step at a time until that big goal is within the possibility area.

That doesn't mean to make your goals too small - once again, let your results guide you. If you are not getting any results, analyze the situation at your level; you may decide to program for a smaller goal. If you get it, that success provides the confirmation that you were correct in your analysis.

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