Thursday, March 25, 2010

Car Tire Danger

This is a TV report about tire safety. You better believe I'm going to be checking mine as soon as possible!
(sorry about the short commercial at the beginning.)

Facebook | Paramhansa Yogananda: Magnetism: The Power of Attraction (Part I)

This is the second part of the Facebook post today. Enjoy!

Facebook Paramhansa Yogananda: Magnetism: The Power of Attraction (Part I)

Facebook | Paramhansa Yogananda: Self-Analysis and Significance of Dreams

This is the first part of a Facebook post today. Part two is in the following blog. I trust you'll enjoy both of them.

Facebook Paramhansa Yogananda: Self-Analysis and Significance of Dreams

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Alchemist - fourth obstacle

The fourth obstacle is fear too but this time it's fear of realizing the dream.

Sounds counter-intuitive, doesn't it, but think about this: if we get what we've been dreaming, desiring, programming and working for then what does that say about the people around us who aren't achieving their dreams?

Actually it doesn't say anything about them because we aren't dreaming their dream. However if this kind of thinking kicks in it may cause us to feel guilty.

With the goal within sight, within reach, we may pull back because we're - at least unconsciously - feeling guilty or undeserving.

Ever feel that you have sabotaged yourself in some way?

My friend says she shoots herself in the foot every time her life gets too good. IT'S TRUE. She does. And I've done it myself as well as watching others do the same thing. Think about it: do you?

Coelho says "This is the most dangerous of the obstacles because it has a kind of saintly aura about it: renouncing joy and conquest. But if you believe yourself worthy of the thing you fought so hard to get, then the Soul of the World, and you understand why you are here."

Think about it. Examine your patterns. Root out old, limiting 'programs' and replace them with optimistic, exciting and joyfilled dreams and desires. Turn those into the objects of your programming and become all you can be!

The Alchemist - third obstacle

The third obstacle is fear. Fear of the possible, even probable, defeats we'll face on the journey.

As a protection against such possible occurrances we always have the opportunity to say "Well, I knew it was a long shot. It doesn't really matter. I didn't really desire it."

IF we say that, we fall back into the old, comfortable, non-scary way of living which, while it feels comfortable, gives us no fulfillment.

Of course there are going to be times when we "fall". When we start something new, we don't know everything we need to know. We're inexperienced. We misjudge. We make mistakes. As Coelho says "The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times."

We keep getting up until some day, we don't need to get up any more. By then we've learned a lot, empowered ourselves in a new and deeper way, developed unshakable confidence and proven ourselves and our commitment with and to ourselves.

Life is better and better every day! "Falls" come less often and are more shallow. We recover more quickly. Our eyes - all three of them - are focused on the prize, the dream, the desire. We realize that we're close to that close that it could occur any day now...and we're energized in ways we never before dreamed possible.

Onward and upward, standing tall as we dust off from a previous fall.

Next...the fourth obstacle.

Better & Better,

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Alchemist - the second obstacle

The second obstacle is love. Why love? Because we fear hurting the people we love by changing, leaving an old way of being / living and seeming to abandon them.

Those who love us desire our safety and thus, fear our change. After all, change may mean danger! They love us and desire our well-being.

(Now I digress from the book with my own experience.) Also, they love us and they love our way of life...our way of life with them.

When I moved across the continent almost all my friends wished me well even though we all were sad at the great distance. A few were angry with me.

Over time I came to realize that, on an unconscious level, they were actually threatened by my actions. If I could make a huge change like this, they could too. At least theoretically. Unconsciously it seemed almost a challenge in their perception.

Bottom line: People tend to avoid change. Are you?

If so, why? For whose well-being? Is it an obstacle for you?

Change isn't always the best choice and sometimes it is.

Blessings to all of us as, daily, we have the opportunity to change.

Better & Better,


Video by Deepak Chopra - The Mystery of Consciousness

Deepak Chopra's intro talkon the Mystery of Consciousness. While it's about an hour long, it's worth it.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Terrific book

As many of you know, I read a lot. A lot! Sometimes the books are the newest releases and some are older. Right now I'm rereading "The Alchemist" by Paulo older realease. Every part of this book - from Intro to end - is interesting, intriguing and thought provoking.

My attention returned to this book because of the 'new' exercises in the Silva Intuition Training: connect to Source and finding your life purpose. Coelho calls life purpose our personal legend, food for thought in itself.

In the introduction he speaks of four obstacles. The first is that from our earliest childhood we're told that everything we desire to do is impossible for us. It makes sense. Parents love us and desire to protect us and as very young people there are many things we physically do not have the capacity to do.

Whether from their love or fear for us our parents (and others) tell us many times that we "cannot do that" and as we grow up hearing this, it compounds with layers of prejudice, fear and guilt. Our earliest 'dreams' and desires become covered with these layers. But those dreams are still there.

Mental Housecleaning, discussed in the Silva Life System, is one of the best ways I know to begin unlayering ourselves. As we think of our various words, phrases, outlooks and beliefs - layers within - we have the opportunity to cast off those layers.

One example is 'judgement words' such as should, have to, must, need to and others. Oh...if I had a nickel for every time I've heard one of those words/phrases. I would love to have a nickel for every time I've said them to myself, my sons, anyone! In the class we talked about Where did they originate, How they impact our lives and Do we agree with them. Certainly worth attention! In fact we may agree with them and because it's conscious agreement, we're empowered. If we don't agree, kick it to the curb. Throw off that layer, that restraint. Either way, empowerment and freedom are the rewards!

Becoming lighter and freer with fewer layers to smother our dreams, we begin to get a glimpse of them once more. Casting off more layers draws our dreams closer and closer until one day the sun shines brightly upon them.

Or is it that the light shines FROM them into our awareness!

More later...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Microcosm to Macrocosm

For Graduates of the Silva Life System and the Silva Intuition Training, in particular, this may seem familiar. The pics are fabulous.

Perhaps when you go to your level today, you go exploring. Enjoy!

Better & Better,

What's happening to girls and women around the world?

This particular blog is not about any Silva material.

This one is about situations and practices relating to girls and women around the world that, I feel, we should all know about. Men and women alike.

This is absolutely horrific only if you feel it's alright for you.

Do you know what's happening to girls and women around the world? Not only what happens in wars...which is worse than horrible...and what is culturized behavior. Over the years I've read quite a bit about these events and practices and sometimes I literally cannot get the 'pictures' out of my mind.

If you would like to know, watch this video. Eve Ensler, creator of the Vagina Monologues, gives a riveting and heartfelt speech about ending violence towards women. She shares many optimistic and wonderful advances too.

This is not for everyone.

Do NOT watch this if you have any concerns.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Interesting video

While this is a promotional video, it really is interesting to hear Vishon (MindValley) talk about how he used Silva techniques to create his massive success.

I would love to have your feedback.

We'll send lots of good energy to you this weekend while we're in the SLS. Better & Better...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Home Office

Laura Silva sent this YouTube video tour of the Silva International home office. You get to see the people who work there too!