Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Alchemist - third obstacle

The third obstacle is fear. Fear of the possible, even probable, defeats we'll face on the journey.

As a protection against such possible occurrances we always have the opportunity to say "Well, I knew it was a long shot. It doesn't really matter. I didn't really desire it."

IF we say that, we fall back into the old, comfortable, non-scary way of living which, while it feels comfortable, gives us no fulfillment.

Of course there are going to be times when we "fall". When we start something new, we don't know everything we need to know. We're inexperienced. We misjudge. We make mistakes. As Coelho says "The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times."

We keep getting up until some day, we don't need to get up any more. By then we've learned a lot, empowered ourselves in a new and deeper way, developed unshakable confidence and proven ourselves and our commitment with and to ourselves.

Life is better and better every day! "Falls" come less often and are more shallow. We recover more quickly. Our eyes - all three of them - are focused on the prize, the dream, the desire. We realize that we're close to that close that it could occur any day now...and we're energized in ways we never before dreamed possible.

Onward and upward, standing tall as we dust off from a previous fall.

Next...the fourth obstacle.

Better & Better,

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