by FinerMinds Team December 22, 2010
The Holidays are a time of celebration, family and joy – right? Well, for some folks that's true, but we all know the holidays can be a point-blank bullet for others. From big things like a loss in the family, health problems or divorce, to smaller things like money constraints or stressful family gatherings can all give the blues too big a boost right about now.
So let's not make ‘denial‘ just a river in Egypt. We don't live in the painted-smile la-la land of TV commercials and shopping mall Christmas musak. Here in the real world, the holidays aren't bright for everyone, but anyone can throw a lifeline to someone in need.
Whether you've got holiday sadness creeping into your mood, or you've noticed a Grinch creeping around the office, here are 7 Lifelines that ring with the true spirit of Christmas.
1. A kind word
Reaching out to another in ‘soft' and simple way can uplift you and the other person. A cup of coffee, a compliment on their dress, or a friendly word are all tiny gestures that can go a long way toward the shores of holiday cheer.
2. Exercise
When you exercise two things happen – you get your mind onto other things and you get your ‘feel good' chemicals (endorphins) kicked into action. This is even more important if you're way of coping with the blues is with too much sleep.
3. Curiosity may have killed the cat but …
When you stop believing the unhappy thoughts running circles through your mind and just start watching them – like a curious scientist watching an experiment – they quickly lose their power. Don't believe me? Get curious and try it, you'll be pleasantly surprised!
4. Keep it simple, smarty (K.I.S.S.)
The decorations, the baking, the cooking, the too-much spending, the last-minute, gotta-get-one-more-thing will drive anyone nuts. So why do we think it's okay during the time of year when we're supposed to relax and take a break? The social pressure to give is blown out of proportion by marketers who want you to buy, not by the peeps you want to gift. So get some perspective, tone down the spending and go for simple, thoughtful gifts. Overextending your credit is sure-fire formula for a very unhappy new year.
5. Give, give, give
No, not stuff. Give your time, your love, your intention. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, offer food to a food drive, donate a toy, write a letter of thanks to 5 people you appreciate, help out at a nursing home, or read a book to kids at the local library. There are tons of ways to give that cost pennies but are worth millions – to you and to those whom you gift. BTW: statistics have shown that there are way too many old folks forgotten during the holidays. Your visit WILL be appreciated.
6. Picky, picky, picky …
is okay, okay, okay when it comes to who you spend your time with. You have every right – in fact, an obligation to yourself – to be with those you can feel good around.
7. "Attitude of Gratitude"
When all else fails – and even if it doesn't, and even if it isn't the holidays – you can never go wrong with gratitude. Make a list of 30 things you appreciate in your life. If you do, not only will you feel a whole lot better, you'll probably find another 30!
The Silva Method, Silva Life System and Silva Intuition Training - sharing these is a joy. It's so uplifting and rewarding to see people learn the skills and techniques, apply them in their lives and increase their fulfillment and happiness. I am privileged to work with Silva Graduates in a coaching relationship.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Are You a Maximized Thinker?
By Mandy Bass
Ten Powerful Questions to Shape Up Your RAS + Maximize Your Thinking
As you know, your subconscious mind can be a powerful ally or an overpowering foe. Because 90% of human behavior is unconscious, the difference is almost always how we filter and access information.
It is fascinating to consider that every second, approximately 2 million bits of information flood your nervous system, even when you sleep.
At the same time you have your own internal dialogue and other people's "programming" running through your mind... that is a lot of activity to manage -- so your unconscious has to be effiicient!
You process incoming information through your internal senses: pictures you create in your head, sounds you hear inside, feelings, smells and tastes.
As a master in information management, it quickly deletes what appears to be unimportant, distorts things to fit into nice, neat paradigms that already exist, and generalizes to avoid perceptual overload. The physical processor in your brain that decides what information to let in and what to filter out is called the reticular activating system (RAS).
Programming your "RAS," will give you control of a powerful subconscious ally that can help you find solutions to problems and expose you to the people, situations and information that can help you achieve your goals.
Here is how RAS works:
Ever shopped for a car? Gotten the brochures, checked out the dealers, kept copies of the flyers in your home and office so you could look at them again and again?
Suddenly, you see that car everywhere - in commercials, on the road, in the parking lot where you work. Now that car was always there - but your intense interest in it activated your RAS which then began to "see" that car.
Now here's the amazing yet ever so simple secret:
You can program the RAS and activate the subconscious mind through the power of asking the right questions -- repeatedly.
Yes, it is that simple. By learning HOW to ask the right questions, your unconscious mind automatically searches for the answer.
This can work for you by helping you find ways to get to your goals and solve problems. Or it can work against you to reinforce limiting beliefs and negative thinking. When you develop the ability to "think as a maximized thinker," and ask the right questions, you immediately upgrade your ability to create what YOU desire -- the BEST of what you desire.
Not second best ... not almost what you desire... the BEST of what you desire.
This works because you upgrade your own perception filter which in turn changes your reality.
In other words you awaken the genius within to give you the answers you need.
One of the greatest tools in the Silva Life Systems is also the simplest: The Glass of Water Technique.
It activates your RAS to find solutions to specific problems. You can also use this technique to expand your horizons by asking "maximized questions."
TEN Powerful Maximized Questions to Shape up Your RAS
What three things can I enjoy doing today to get me to my goal of ____________? (Be very specific with your questions! The answers for earning $5,000 per month are different to those of making $30,000 per month. The answers for improving your relationship with your lover are different than improving your relationship with your children.)
In what powerful and interesting way can this (specific) situation make my life better/ more fulfilling?
In what joyful and creative ways can I make more money/ find a better job/ enjoy better health/ improve my relationship etc.?
What baby step can I do right now to get this project off the ground?
Given the circumstances, what specifically do I want as a result this situation?
In what delightful ways can other people benefit?
What would my ideal life/business look like?
What three things am I really good at?
How can I make the most of this?
Out of all the wonderful things in my life, what am I most grateful for?
Ten Powerful Questions to Shape Up Your RAS + Maximize Your Thinking
As you know, your subconscious mind can be a powerful ally or an overpowering foe. Because 90% of human behavior is unconscious, the difference is almost always how we filter and access information.
It is fascinating to consider that every second, approximately 2 million bits of information flood your nervous system, even when you sleep.
At the same time you have your own internal dialogue and other people's "programming" running through your mind... that is a lot of activity to manage -- so your unconscious has to be effiicient!
You process incoming information through your internal senses: pictures you create in your head, sounds you hear inside, feelings, smells and tastes.
As a master in information management, it quickly deletes what appears to be unimportant, distorts things to fit into nice, neat paradigms that already exist, and generalizes to avoid perceptual overload. The physical processor in your brain that decides what information to let in and what to filter out is called the reticular activating system (RAS).
Programming your "RAS," will give you control of a powerful subconscious ally that can help you find solutions to problems and expose you to the people, situations and information that can help you achieve your goals.
Here is how RAS works:
Ever shopped for a car? Gotten the brochures, checked out the dealers, kept copies of the flyers in your home and office so you could look at them again and again?
Suddenly, you see that car everywhere - in commercials, on the road, in the parking lot where you work. Now that car was always there - but your intense interest in it activated your RAS which then began to "see" that car.
Now here's the amazing yet ever so simple secret:
You can program the RAS and activate the subconscious mind through the power of asking the right questions -- repeatedly.
Yes, it is that simple. By learning HOW to ask the right questions, your unconscious mind automatically searches for the answer.
This can work for you by helping you find ways to get to your goals and solve problems. Or it can work against you to reinforce limiting beliefs and negative thinking. When you develop the ability to "think as a maximized thinker," and ask the right questions, you immediately upgrade your ability to create what YOU desire -- the BEST of what you desire.
Not second best ... not almost what you desire... the BEST of what you desire.
This works because you upgrade your own perception filter which in turn changes your reality.
In other words you awaken the genius within to give you the answers you need.
One of the greatest tools in the Silva Life Systems is also the simplest: The Glass of Water Technique.
It activates your RAS to find solutions to specific problems. You can also use this technique to expand your horizons by asking "maximized questions."
TEN Powerful Maximized Questions to Shape up Your RAS
What three things can I enjoy doing today to get me to my goal of ____________? (Be very specific with your questions! The answers for earning $5,000 per month are different to those of making $30,000 per month. The answers for improving your relationship with your lover are different than improving your relationship with your children.)
In what powerful and interesting way can this (specific) situation make my life better/ more fulfilling?
In what joyful and creative ways can I make more money/ find a better job/ enjoy better health/ improve my relationship etc.?
What baby step can I do right now to get this project off the ground?
Given the circumstances, what specifically do I want as a result this situation?
In what delightful ways can other people benefit?
What would my ideal life/business look like?
What three things am I really good at?
How can I make the most of this?
Out of all the wonderful things in my life, what am I most grateful for?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Can You Turn One Red Paper Clip Into a House? YES
Can you turn a paper clip into a house?
Yes, this is a 'trick question' similar to: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
Take a few minutes to watch this video and you'll see that this young man did exactly turn a paper clip into a house...not by 'magic' but my desire, intention, focus, belief and expectancy. Let's don't forget action too!
I'd love to have a conversation with you about HOW his situation mirrors using Silva techniques and follow through.
What are you going to manifest in 2011?
Yes, this is a 'trick question' similar to: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
Take a few minutes to watch this video and you'll see that this young man did exactly turn a paper clip into a house...not by 'magic' but my desire, intention, focus, belief and expectancy. Let's don't forget action too!
I'd love to have a conversation with you about HOW his situation mirrors using Silva techniques and follow through.
What are you going to manifest in 2011?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Put the Glass Down
by Ken Coscia
How much does a 6 oz glass of water REALLY weigh? If you hold it for a few seconds or even a minute, it weighs hardly anything at all.
Hold it for an hour or more and it is a completely different experience. In fact, it is just a matter of time before you injure yourself or lose your capacity to hold onto the glass at all. The longer we hold onto things - objects, burdens, negative emotions-- the heavier they become and the harder they are to carry.
But if you put what you are holding down and allow yourself to rest periodically, you can regenerate, rejuvenate and increase your capacity to cope with the burdens of life. Before you return home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. Leave it there. You can pick it up tomorrow - or not.
If there is something worrying you now, let it go for a few moments by taking an Alpha break. Allow yourself access to the flow of creative solutions that are always available to you.
We live in a time of extraordinary opportunities and significant challenges. We know that whatever we focus on, we give energy to and whatever we give energy to, grows.
What are you giving your energy to? Are you creating the life of your own design by staying focused on what you truly want?
All great Achievers acknowledge a gap between where they are and where they want to be. Actually it is the first step to growth, the starting point of achievement. Perhaps your business or career is strong, but your intimate relationships are lacking. Or maybe your relationships are flourishing, but your personal Finances or physical vitality are suffering.
We all have areas of our lives that demand more focus. Participating in a Silva Method Program is like peeling layers of an onion. There is a continuous unfolding and integration of your unique potential.
Each time you practice, you deepen your awareness and the tools get progressively easier to use.
Your positive Focus is enhanced and you bring into your life more of what your heart desires. You review the course... for the transformation (physically, mentally, & spiritually) that the training affords you. Put your burdens to rest, improve your focus, tap into your heart's desire and put the power of Silva back into your life by participating in the next Silva Method Seminar in your area.
How much does a 6 oz glass of water REALLY weigh? If you hold it for a few seconds or even a minute, it weighs hardly anything at all.
Hold it for an hour or more and it is a completely different experience. In fact, it is just a matter of time before you injure yourself or lose your capacity to hold onto the glass at all. The longer we hold onto things - objects, burdens, negative emotions-- the heavier they become and the harder they are to carry.
But if you put what you are holding down and allow yourself to rest periodically, you can regenerate, rejuvenate and increase your capacity to cope with the burdens of life. Before you return home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. Leave it there. You can pick it up tomorrow - or not.
If there is something worrying you now, let it go for a few moments by taking an Alpha break. Allow yourself access to the flow of creative solutions that are always available to you.
We live in a time of extraordinary opportunities and significant challenges. We know that whatever we focus on, we give energy to and whatever we give energy to, grows.
What are you giving your energy to? Are you creating the life of your own design by staying focused on what you truly want?
All great Achievers acknowledge a gap between where they are and where they want to be. Actually it is the first step to growth, the starting point of achievement. Perhaps your business or career is strong, but your intimate relationships are lacking. Or maybe your relationships are flourishing, but your personal Finances or physical vitality are suffering.
We all have areas of our lives that demand more focus. Participating in a Silva Method Program is like peeling layers of an onion. There is a continuous unfolding and integration of your unique potential.
Each time you practice, you deepen your awareness and the tools get progressively easier to use.
Your positive Focus is enhanced and you bring into your life more of what your heart desires. You review the course... for the transformation (physically, mentally, & spiritually) that the training affords you. Put your burdens to rest, improve your focus, tap into your heart's desire and put the power of Silva back into your life by participating in the next Silva Method Seminar in your area.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Take The Gratitude Challenge
The Brighter Side – Take The Gratitude Challenge
by FinerMinds Team December 1, 2010
30 bloggers + 21 Days = delight, beauty, love and a whole bunch of other cools stuff. Check out what happened when the company Tiny Prints challenged bloggers to take up three weeks of gratitude.
by FinerMinds Team December 1, 2010
30 bloggers + 21 Days = delight, beauty, love and a whole bunch of other cools stuff. Check out what happened when the company Tiny Prints challenged bloggers to take up three weeks of gratitude.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Is Your Programming Focused on the "Right Things"?
Many thanks to Ed Bernd for the following:
Much of the information that you see on the internet about programming focuses on the wrong things. If you are doing things for selfish reasons, why should anybody want to help you?
Graduates often called or wrote to us asking for guidance and help. We consulted with Jose and Juan Silva on these questions, and often asked them to review what we wrote before we sent it.
Here is a question from a Silva graduate, and the type of response that Jose Silva would typically tell us to:
Q: I am a Silva graduate from Bombay, India. Jose Silva's success story is something unique and truly inspiring.
I suppose successes vary between individuals. I feel that some people are able to go far with the techniques while others do average. I firmly believe that everyone benefits, though.
Some of my projects have been going on for quite some time. I suppose if one does not achieve some things, the method teaches you to accept the situation and go far in other areas.
On the other hand, it is difficult for me to believe that one cannot achieve almost anything with the method. Probably, we require more work at the objective level if we don't achieve things that we programmed for. Also, repeating the seminar whenever one gets a chance, helps to keep one's belief system firm.
I felt like sharing my views with you and would be happy to hear from you.
A: You have good insight and understanding. Congratulations on your successes.
In every field of endeavor, some people do better than others. This is natural. And it applies to the Silva Method as well.
Remember the standard things:
Establish your level
1. Practice the Long Relaxation Exercise at least once a week.
Really get involved in it; don't just "go through the motions," but really relax, both physically and mentally.
It is easiest to do this when you do it on your own. You can use an audio cassette tape to guide you until you memorize it. Or someone who has completed the Silva Ultra Seminar can read it to you. But once you learn how to do it, then do it on your own,
You do not want to become automated, you want to get totally involved and actually do everything you are instructed to do.
Nobody else knows how much you need to relax, or what body parts you needs to relax. You know better than anyone else. Nobody else knows how badly you are hurting, or what you need to work on, the way that you do.
Fulfill your responsibility
2. Use your newfound abilities to help correct problems.
That is, work health cases, and help people who need help whenever you come across them.
Mr. Silva believes that this is why we were sent to earth: to correct problems. If you are not using your mind and your mental abilities to correct problems, then you may lose the ability that you have developed.
If you only use these abilities to help yourself, you probably won't get help from the "other side," from whoever has been assigned by higher intelligence to help us.
If you are only out to help yourself, then you may find that nobody else is going to have much interest in helping you.
The more people you help, the more help you will receive from high intelligence on the other side, when you need it.
Mr. Silva advises that any programming you do should benefit at least two other people, or more.
Follow the feedback
3. Let your results guide you as to how to proceed. This will keep you on the right course.
Don't give up too quickly, of course, but do not continue to fight a project when all the signs indicate that this is not the correct thing for you to be working on.
Jose Silva says that we don't batter down doors. Give the door a big push, and try it a couple more times, but if it just won't open, then back off and look around for another door. And sometimes, we find that we should be going into a different room anyway (change your methods, or even change your goals).
When you program, look for feedback, to let you know how you are doing.
It is the same as when you work health cases: You report everything that you experience while working the case, and the orientologist then tells you which information can be confirmed. You then use this information to establish points
of reference so that you will be more accurate in the future.
When you program, you are not certain whether you are really communicating in the subjective dimension, or just fantasizing. A fantasy won't produce results. Programming at level will.
Your results will let you know whether you were fantasizing, or actually communicating. Just like working health cases, when the feedback lets you separate the guesses from the information that you actually detect.
If you program for something and you don't see something happen within the next few days, then go to your level and analyze the situation and figure out what else you can do.
On the other hand, if something happens - the situation improves in some way, some opportunity presents itself, etc., then do more of what you were doing.
If the situation gets worse, then you know you are heading in the wrong direction, and you make a change.
You might change how you program, or how long you spend on the project, or which technique you use. You might even change your goal.
The feedback you get will let you know what to do, and how to proceed.
Participate in a support system
4. Work with other Silva Method graduates.
Organize a support system. You can meet, or phone one another, or email each other - do whatever you need to do to form a support system.
When you help other people, and they help you, then several things happen:
*You will get to know each other so well that you will be able to make very good suggestions to each other.
*Other people will notice things about you that you do not notice about yourself - if you knew all the answers, you wouldn't have the problems, so they can often see answers that we don't see in yourselves.
*And when you have helped one another, you will all build up so much desire to help each other, that you will all achieve your goals much faster.
Desire is the force that propels us towards our goals, and the stronger it is, the quicker we will reach those goals. With enough desire, anything is possible.
Be realistic
Jose Silva also advises us to work on projects that are within the "possibility area."
For instance, we do not really believe that we are suddenly going to sprout wings and fly, just because we imagine it at level. That is not within the possibility area.
Somebody with little experience cannot reasonably expect to become president of a big company next week. That is not within the possibility area.
You can take things one step at a time until that big goal is within the possibility area.
That doesn't mean to make your goals too small - once again, let your results guide you. If you are not getting any results, analyze the situation at your level; you may decide to program for a smaller goal. If you get it, that success provides the confirmation that you were correct in your analysis.
Much of the information that you see on the internet about programming focuses on the wrong things. If you are doing things for selfish reasons, why should anybody want to help you?
Graduates often called or wrote to us asking for guidance and help. We consulted with Jose and Juan Silva on these questions, and often asked them to review what we wrote before we sent it.
Here is a question from a Silva graduate, and the type of response that Jose Silva would typically tell us to:
Q: I am a Silva graduate from Bombay, India. Jose Silva's success story is something unique and truly inspiring.
I suppose successes vary between individuals. I feel that some people are able to go far with the techniques while others do average. I firmly believe that everyone benefits, though.
Some of my projects have been going on for quite some time. I suppose if one does not achieve some things, the method teaches you to accept the situation and go far in other areas.
On the other hand, it is difficult for me to believe that one cannot achieve almost anything with the method. Probably, we require more work at the objective level if we don't achieve things that we programmed for. Also, repeating the seminar whenever one gets a chance, helps to keep one's belief system firm.
I felt like sharing my views with you and would be happy to hear from you.
A: You have good insight and understanding. Congratulations on your successes.
In every field of endeavor, some people do better than others. This is natural. And it applies to the Silva Method as well.
Remember the standard things:
Establish your level
1. Practice the Long Relaxation Exercise at least once a week.
Really get involved in it; don't just "go through the motions," but really relax, both physically and mentally.
It is easiest to do this when you do it on your own. You can use an audio cassette tape to guide you until you memorize it. Or someone who has completed the Silva Ultra Seminar can read it to you. But once you learn how to do it, then do it on your own,
You do not want to become automated, you want to get totally involved and actually do everything you are instructed to do.
Nobody else knows how much you need to relax, or what body parts you needs to relax. You know better than anyone else. Nobody else knows how badly you are hurting, or what you need to work on, the way that you do.
Fulfill your responsibility
2. Use your newfound abilities to help correct problems.
That is, work health cases, and help people who need help whenever you come across them.
Mr. Silva believes that this is why we were sent to earth: to correct problems. If you are not using your mind and your mental abilities to correct problems, then you may lose the ability that you have developed.
If you only use these abilities to help yourself, you probably won't get help from the "other side," from whoever has been assigned by higher intelligence to help us.
If you are only out to help yourself, then you may find that nobody else is going to have much interest in helping you.
The more people you help, the more help you will receive from high intelligence on the other side, when you need it.
Mr. Silva advises that any programming you do should benefit at least two other people, or more.
Follow the feedback
3. Let your results guide you as to how to proceed. This will keep you on the right course.
Don't give up too quickly, of course, but do not continue to fight a project when all the signs indicate that this is not the correct thing for you to be working on.
Jose Silva says that we don't batter down doors. Give the door a big push, and try it a couple more times, but if it just won't open, then back off and look around for another door. And sometimes, we find that we should be going into a different room anyway (change your methods, or even change your goals).
When you program, look for feedback, to let you know how you are doing.
It is the same as when you work health cases: You report everything that you experience while working the case, and the orientologist then tells you which information can be confirmed. You then use this information to establish points
of reference so that you will be more accurate in the future.
When you program, you are not certain whether you are really communicating in the subjective dimension, or just fantasizing. A fantasy won't produce results. Programming at level will.
Your results will let you know whether you were fantasizing, or actually communicating. Just like working health cases, when the feedback lets you separate the guesses from the information that you actually detect.
If you program for something and you don't see something happen within the next few days, then go to your level and analyze the situation and figure out what else you can do.
On the other hand, if something happens - the situation improves in some way, some opportunity presents itself, etc., then do more of what you were doing.
If the situation gets worse, then you know you are heading in the wrong direction, and you make a change.
You might change how you program, or how long you spend on the project, or which technique you use. You might even change your goal.
The feedback you get will let you know what to do, and how to proceed.
Participate in a support system
4. Work with other Silva Method graduates.
Organize a support system. You can meet, or phone one another, or email each other - do whatever you need to do to form a support system.
When you help other people, and they help you, then several things happen:
*You will get to know each other so well that you will be able to make very good suggestions to each other.
*Other people will notice things about you that you do not notice about yourself - if you knew all the answers, you wouldn't have the problems, so they can often see answers that we don't see in yourselves.
*And when you have helped one another, you will all build up so much desire to help each other, that you will all achieve your goals much faster.
Desire is the force that propels us towards our goals, and the stronger it is, the quicker we will reach those goals. With enough desire, anything is possible.
Be realistic
Jose Silva also advises us to work on projects that are within the "possibility area."
For instance, we do not really believe that we are suddenly going to sprout wings and fly, just because we imagine it at level. That is not within the possibility area.
Somebody with little experience cannot reasonably expect to become president of a big company next week. That is not within the possibility area.
You can take things one step at a time until that big goal is within the possibility area.
That doesn't mean to make your goals too small - once again, let your results guide you. If you are not getting any results, analyze the situation at your level; you may decide to program for a smaller goal. If you get it, that success provides the confirmation that you were correct in your analysis.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Not Just For Humans Anymore – Animals Have Spiritual Experiences Too
Not Just For Humans Anymore – Animals Have Spiritual Experiences Too
from the FinerMinds blog
Does your cat contemplate the cosmos? Does your dog desire the divine? Apparently some brain researchers think so. Like us, they may experience awe, wonder, and other mystical moments.
For all you animal lovers out there, this story is sure to inspire an even deeper appreciation for your beloved pets.
What evidence have you seen with Rover or Spot that confirms for you their spiritual natures? Drop us a comment and let us know. (BTW: did you know chimps sometimes trance-dance? See what Primatologist Jane Goodall has to say about it!)
Animals said to have spiritual experiences: Ever have an out-of-body experience? Your dog may have too by Jennifer Viegas of Discovery News
Animals (not just people) likely have spiritual experiences, according to a prominent neurologist who has analyzed the processes of spiritual sensation for over three decades.
Research suggests that spiritual experiences originate deep within primitive areas of the human brain — areas shared by other animals with brain structures like our own.
The trick, of course, lies in proving animals’ experiences.
from the FinerMinds blog
Does your cat contemplate the cosmos? Does your dog desire the divine? Apparently some brain researchers think so. Like us, they may experience awe, wonder, and other mystical moments.
For all you animal lovers out there, this story is sure to inspire an even deeper appreciation for your beloved pets.
What evidence have you seen with Rover or Spot that confirms for you their spiritual natures? Drop us a comment and let us know. (BTW: did you know chimps sometimes trance-dance? See what Primatologist Jane Goodall has to say about it!)
Animals said to have spiritual experiences: Ever have an out-of-body experience? Your dog may have too by Jennifer Viegas of Discovery News
Animals (not just people) likely have spiritual experiences, according to a prominent neurologist who has analyzed the processes of spiritual sensation for over three decades.
Research suggests that spiritual experiences originate deep within primitive areas of the human brain — areas shared by other animals with brain structures like our own.
The trick, of course, lies in proving animals’ experiences.
Monday, November 29, 2010
How "Thank You X 5" – Giving Thanks - Feels Good
So let’s begin …
Grab a paper and pen or a new document on your desktop, then list these five things:
1. Health
2. Relationships and Family
3. Work/Career
4. Fun-Time
5. Stuff
Now, for each of these five parts of your life, list at least five things you’re grateful for. If you want to go totally wild and list more, go for it! The more things you find to feel grateful for, we promise you, the better you’re going to feel.
Once you’ve got your list, send us your five favorite “Woohoo, hallelujah, thank you, thank you, thank you!” favs.
Here’s our top five:
1. Health
As one FinerMinds reader likes to remind himself when life seems less than ideal: We’re all still “walkin’ talkin’ seein’ and peein”.
2. Relationship and family
Between the FinerMinds team, we’ve got 8 healthy parents, two happy, healthy kids, four loving partners/spouses, a good handful of wise elders and too many inspiring friends to count. We also have all of you – the FinerMinds community – and for that, on this and every day, the FinerMinds team is truly thankful!
3. Work/career
Well let’s face it, a career focused on mind-blowing awesomeness is nothing to sneeze at. We know how fortunate we are to have careers we enjoy. But none of us here started with the ideal, so we’re thankful, too, for all of the jobs that supported us and gave us the skills we needed to do what we’re doing now.
4. Fun-time
Let’s see … birthday parties and beaches, good jokes and kind gestures, awesome comments and bad jokes that make us laugh anyway. Oh! and we can’t forget roller coasters and ice cream!
5. Stuff
The internet and iPods, reliable cars and cozy slippers, safe drinking water, sunshine, walkin’ shoes and of course, turkey dinners.
Your turn!
We know sometimes the holidays can bring people down. We also know that down can turn to UP with a thanks-giving rampage!
Grab a paper and pen or a new document on your desktop, then list these five things:
1. Health
2. Relationships and Family
3. Work/Career
4. Fun-Time
5. Stuff
Now, for each of these five parts of your life, list at least five things you’re grateful for. If you want to go totally wild and list more, go for it! The more things you find to feel grateful for, we promise you, the better you’re going to feel.
Once you’ve got your list, send us your five favorite “Woohoo, hallelujah, thank you, thank you, thank you!” favs.
Here’s our top five:
1. Health
As one FinerMinds reader likes to remind himself when life seems less than ideal: We’re all still “walkin’ talkin’ seein’ and peein”.
2. Relationship and family
Between the FinerMinds team, we’ve got 8 healthy parents, two happy, healthy kids, four loving partners/spouses, a good handful of wise elders and too many inspiring friends to count. We also have all of you – the FinerMinds community – and for that, on this and every day, the FinerMinds team is truly thankful!
3. Work/career
Well let’s face it, a career focused on mind-blowing awesomeness is nothing to sneeze at. We know how fortunate we are to have careers we enjoy. But none of us here started with the ideal, so we’re thankful, too, for all of the jobs that supported us and gave us the skills we needed to do what we’re doing now.
4. Fun-time
Let’s see … birthday parties and beaches, good jokes and kind gestures, awesome comments and bad jokes that make us laugh anyway. Oh! and we can’t forget roller coasters and ice cream!
5. Stuff
The internet and iPods, reliable cars and cozy slippers, safe drinking water, sunshine, walkin’ shoes and of course, turkey dinners.
Your turn!
We know sometimes the holidays can bring people down. We also know that down can turn to UP with a thanks-giving rampage!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Forum for Silva Grads
Happy Monday everyone!
I just learned about a 'forum' for Silva Grads!
You can go to to check it out.
It appears that most posts are somewhat old...however some of them are quite interesting.
I'd love your feedback!
Better & Better,
I just learned about a 'forum' for Silva Grads!
You can go to to check it out.
It appears that most posts are somewhat old...however some of them are quite interesting.
I'd love your feedback!
Better & Better,
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale
Do you know if you're "on the right track"? Here's a great way to assess your "state of flow".
(The list from the video is below.)
The Emotional Guidance Scale from the book "Ask and It is Given" by Abraham-Hicks.
1. Joy/Knowledge/Empowered/Freedom/Love/Appreciation
2. Passion
3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
4. Positive Expectation/Belief
5. Optimism
6. Hopefulness
7. Contentment
8. Boredom
9. Pessimism
10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
11. Overwhelment
12. Disappointment
13. Doubt
14. Worry
15. Blame
16. Discouragement
17. Anger
18. Revenge
19. Hatred/Rage
20. Jealousy
21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness
(The list from the video is below.)
The Emotional Guidance Scale from the book "Ask and It is Given" by Abraham-Hicks.
1. Joy/Knowledge/Empowered/Freedom/Love/Appreciation
2. Passion
3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
4. Positive Expectation/Belief
5. Optimism
6. Hopefulness
7. Contentment
8. Boredom
9. Pessimism
10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
11. Overwhelment
12. Disappointment
13. Doubt
14. Worry
15. Blame
16. Discouragement
17. Anger
18. Revenge
19. Hatred/Rage
20. Jealousy
21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Heart-Connected Communication and Inner-Ease
With the increasing energetic modulations of the planetary shift, communications with others can be more challenging at times. Many people report that they are becoming more susceptible to irritation, frustration and impatience within themselves and in communications with others. Much of this stems from us adjusting to the speed-up of incoming universal energy, which is replacing the old paradigm of separation with heart-based connection.
As we embrace each other as aspects of ourselves through heart-connected communication, this helps to balance and integrate the new energy — while creating a higher frequency field environment that helps others also integrate the new energy more easily.
Now through the New Year, let's spend a few minutes each day breathing love into the global field environment. While breathing love, visualize humanity increasingly connecting with each other from the genuine heart, with non-judgment and compassion. See yourself practicing inner-ease through the day, which creates more flow in your interactions and choices.
Practicing inner-ease also helps keep the heart open, which facilitates the needed balance between the mind and emotions, especially as everything seems to be speeding up. When our mind and emotions are aligned with the heart, it increases our intuitive discernment resulting in higher choices as we navigate and create through life’s experiences and communications.
Including our heart's intelligence in all things especially helps balance and strengthen our personal energy field, and is a proactive contribution to the global energetic environment.
These practices can help reduce much collective and personal stress along with helping to raise our individual coherence baseline.
You can join with others around the world in the Global Care Room as you breathe love into the global field environment to facilitate heart-connected communication and inner-ease. To access the room, just log in and click on the enter button on your My Member page. Thank you for providing energetic care and support.
The GCI Staff
P.S. Click on link to download an article on StateofEase
Global Coherence Initiative 14700 West Park Ave., Boulder Creek, CA 95006
tel (831) 706-2981
©2010 Global Coherence Initiative. All rights reserved.
As we embrace each other as aspects of ourselves through heart-connected communication, this helps to balance and integrate the new energy — while creating a higher frequency field environment that helps others also integrate the new energy more easily.
Now through the New Year, let's spend a few minutes each day breathing love into the global field environment. While breathing love, visualize humanity increasingly connecting with each other from the genuine heart, with non-judgment and compassion. See yourself practicing inner-ease through the day, which creates more flow in your interactions and choices.
Practicing inner-ease also helps keep the heart open, which facilitates the needed balance between the mind and emotions, especially as everything seems to be speeding up. When our mind and emotions are aligned with the heart, it increases our intuitive discernment resulting in higher choices as we navigate and create through life’s experiences and communications.
Including our heart's intelligence in all things especially helps balance and strengthen our personal energy field, and is a proactive contribution to the global energetic environment.
These practices can help reduce much collective and personal stress along with helping to raise our individual coherence baseline.
You can join with others around the world in the Global Care Room as you breathe love into the global field environment to facilitate heart-connected communication and inner-ease. To access the room, just log in and click on the enter button on your My Member page. Thank you for providing energetic care and support.
The GCI Staff
P.S. Click on link to download an article on StateofEase
Global Coherence Initiative 14700 West Park Ave., Boulder Creek, CA 95006
tel (831) 706-2981
©2010 Global Coherence Initiative. All rights reserved.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
How To Stay Healthy And Energized Throughout The Day
Some people wonder how they'll incorporate Silva into daily living. In this video Laura Silva gives us a glimpse of her life and how she uses what her father taught her...what we today call The Silva Method (Silva Life System and Silva Intuition Training).
"How do you usually start your day? What's your routine like, and does it work for you?
Many people find it difficult to believe that I would run a marathon every three weeks. Add this on top of running Silva International and being a loving wife and mother, its no secret that I need to have an endless supply of energy.
For me, it is important to stick to a certain routine to maintain my health, and to always have energy to be able to give more.
I thought I would share how my day looks like. I hope you will enjoy the video and maybe it will help you in some ways too." Laura Silva, from the SilvaLifeSystem blog
Maybe you'll get some ideas like I did. Enjoy! A Day in the Life of Laura Silva
"How do you usually start your day? What's your routine like, and does it work for you?
Many people find it difficult to believe that I would run a marathon every three weeks. Add this on top of running Silva International and being a loving wife and mother, its no secret that I need to have an endless supply of energy.
For me, it is important to stick to a certain routine to maintain my health, and to always have energy to be able to give more.
I thought I would share how my day looks like. I hope you will enjoy the video and maybe it will help you in some ways too." Laura Silva, from the SilvaLifeSystem blog
Maybe you'll get some ideas like I did. Enjoy! A Day in the Life of Laura Silva
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Chocolate, Purple And Making Peace With The Past – 50 Lessons To Live By
In case you missed this on the FinerMinds blog....
Chocolate, Purple And Making Peace With The Past – 50 Lessons To Live By
by FinerMinds Team
Rumors of her being 90 years old just aren't true, but that doesn't make her sound bytes of wisdom any less potent. You've probably seen some of Regina Brett's "Life Lessons" before, like "When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile," or "Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger". They're from her book God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours. Advice like this never grows old – or unwelcomed – so enjoy these mighty morsels of insight and happy Monday!
Serious Chocolate Steps
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
Peace without Comparison and God Never Blinks
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.
18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
Candles, Purple and Sex on the Brain
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over-prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
Change, Miracles and Second Childhoods
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
36. Growing old beats the alternative – dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable.
38. Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
Is it Useful, Beautiful or Joyful?
41. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
42. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
44. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
45. The best is yet to come.
46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
48. If you don't ask, you don't get.
49. Yield.
50. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
Chocolate, Purple And Making Peace With The Past – 50 Lessons To Live By
by FinerMinds Team
Rumors of her being 90 years old just aren't true, but that doesn't make her sound bytes of wisdom any less potent. You've probably seen some of Regina Brett's "Life Lessons" before, like "When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile," or "Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger". They're from her book God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours. Advice like this never grows old – or unwelcomed – so enjoy these mighty morsels of insight and happy Monday!
Serious Chocolate Steps
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
Peace without Comparison and God Never Blinks
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.
18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
Candles, Purple and Sex on the Brain
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over-prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
Change, Miracles and Second Childhoods
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
36. Growing old beats the alternative – dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable.
38. Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
Is it Useful, Beautiful or Joyful?
41. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
42. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
44. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
45. The best is yet to come.
46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
48. If you don't ask, you don't get.
49. Yield.
50. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
Friday, October 15, 2010
How to Achieve Balance in Your Life
12 Areas of Balance
by Vishen Lakhiani
You'll probably use several sheets of paper as you watch this one. I find it very valuable and trust you will as well.
by Vishen Lakhiani
You'll probably use several sheets of paper as you watch this one. I find it very valuable and trust you will as well.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Emotional Vampire Survival Guide: Emotional Freedom in Action
The Emotional Vampire Survival Guide — Discover How To Deal With The 4 Types Of Vampires
by Editorial Team (FinerMinds) Published in: Energy
ShareEditor’s Note: This isn’t quite like Twilight. But have you ever met someone and felt as if you’re energy has been sucked out of you? You might’ve felt on top of the world one minute, and bam! Right after you meet this person, you’re feeling down and out. Chances are you just met an emotional vampire.
Dr. Judith Orloff below gives an interesting account of the 4 types of emotional vampires and what you can do to protect yourself from them. She uses a technique called Emotional Freedom. It’s an awesome read, so I recommend checking it out.
The Emotional Vampire Survival Guide: Emotional Freedom in Action
Adapted from Dr. Judith Orloff’s new book Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life
To be emotionally free you can’t remain naïve about relationships. Some people are positive and mood elevating. Others can suck optimism and serenity right out of you. Vampires do more than drain your physical energy.
The super-malignant ones can make you believe you’re an unworthy, unlovable wretch who doesn’t deserve better. The subtler species inflict damage by making smaller digs, which can make you feel bad about yourself—for instance, “Dear, I see you’ve put on a few pounds” or “You’re overly sensitive!”
Suddenly they’ve thrown you emotionally off-center you by prodding areas of shaky self-worth. To protect your sensitivity, it’s important to name and combat these vampires. The concept struck such a collective chord in my book Positive Energy that in Emotional Freedom, my latest book, I illustrate how it applies to protecting your emotions and not absorbing other people’s negativity.
•Your eyelids are heavy—you’re ready for a nap
•Your mood takes a nosedive
•You want to binge on carbs or comfort foods
•You feel anxious, depressed, or negative
•You feel put down, sniped at, or slimedTYPES OF EMOTIONAL VAMPIRES
Vampire #1: The Narcissist
Their motto is “Me first.” Everything is all about them. They have a grandiose sense of self-importance and entitlement, hog attention, and crave admiration. They’re dangerous because they lack empathy and have a limited capacity for unconditional love. If you don’t do things their way, they become punishing, withholding, or cold.
How to Protect Your Emotions: Keep your expectations realistic. These are emotionally limited people. Try not to fall in love with one or expect them to be selfless or love without strings attached. Never make your self-worth dependent on them or confide your deepest feelings to someone who won’t cherish them. To successfully communicate, the hard truth is that you must show how something will be to their benefit. Though it’s better not to have to contend with this tedious ego stroking, if the relationship is unavoidable use the above strategies to achieved desired results.
Vampire #2: The Victim
These vampires grate on you with their “poor-me’ attitude and are allergic to taking responsibility for their actions. The world is always against them, the reason for their unhappiness. When you offer a solution to their problems they always say, “Yes, but.” You might end up screening your calls or purposely avoid them. As a friend, you may want to help but their tales of woe overwhelm you.
How to Protect Your Emotions: Set kind but firm limits. Listen briefly and tell a friend or relative, “I love you but I can only listen for a few minutes unless you want to discuss solutions. Then I’d be thrilled to brainstorm with you.” With a coworker, listen briefly, sympathize by saying, “I’ll keep good thought for things to work out. Then say, I hope you understand, but I’m on deadline and must go back to work. Then use “this isn’t a good time” body language such as crossing your arms and breaking eye contact to help set these healthy limits.
Vampire #3: The Controller
These people obsessively try to control you and dictate what you’re supposed to be and feel. They have an opinion about everything. They’ll control you by invalidating your emotions if they don’t fit into their rulebook. They often start sentences with “You know what you need?” and then proceed to tell you. You end up feeling dominated, demeaned, or put down.
How to Protect Your Emotions: The secret to success is never try and control a controller. Be healthily assertive, but don’t tell them what to do. You can say, “I value your advice but really need to work through this myself.” Be confident but don’t play the victim or sweat the small stuff. Focus on high priority issues rather than on putting the cap on the toothpaste.
Vampire #4: The Splitter or Borderline Personality
Splitters see things as either good or bad and have love/hate relationships. One minute they idealize you, the next you’re the enemy if you upset them. They have a sixth sense for knowing how to pit people against each another and will retaliate if they feel you have wronged them. They are people who are fundamentally damaged—inwardly they feel as if they don’t exist and become alive when they get angry. They’ll keep you on an emotional rollercoaster and you may walk on eggshells to avoid their anger.
How to Protect Your Emotions: Stay calm. Don’t react when your buttons get pushed. Splitters feed off of anger. They respond best to structure and limit setting. If one goes into a rage, tell the person, “I’m leaving until you get calmer. Then we can talk.” Refuse to take sides when he or she tries to turn you against someone else. With family members, it’s best to show a united front and not let a splitter’s venomous opinions poison your relationships.
This article is based on Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life, where Dr. Orloff synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition and energy medicine. As Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA, she passionately believes that the future of medicine involves integrating all this wisdom to achieve emotional freedom and total wellness.
by Editorial Team (FinerMinds) Published in: Energy
ShareEditor’s Note: This isn’t quite like Twilight. But have you ever met someone and felt as if you’re energy has been sucked out of you? You might’ve felt on top of the world one minute, and bam! Right after you meet this person, you’re feeling down and out. Chances are you just met an emotional vampire.
Dr. Judith Orloff below gives an interesting account of the 4 types of emotional vampires and what you can do to protect yourself from them. She uses a technique called Emotional Freedom. It’s an awesome read, so I recommend checking it out.
The Emotional Vampire Survival Guide: Emotional Freedom in Action
Adapted from Dr. Judith Orloff’s new book Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life
To be emotionally free you can’t remain naïve about relationships. Some people are positive and mood elevating. Others can suck optimism and serenity right out of you. Vampires do more than drain your physical energy.
The super-malignant ones can make you believe you’re an unworthy, unlovable wretch who doesn’t deserve better. The subtler species inflict damage by making smaller digs, which can make you feel bad about yourself—for instance, “Dear, I see you’ve put on a few pounds” or “You’re overly sensitive!”
Suddenly they’ve thrown you emotionally off-center you by prodding areas of shaky self-worth. To protect your sensitivity, it’s important to name and combat these vampires. The concept struck such a collective chord in my book Positive Energy that in Emotional Freedom, my latest book, I illustrate how it applies to protecting your emotions and not absorbing other people’s negativity.
•Your eyelids are heavy—you’re ready for a nap
•Your mood takes a nosedive
•You want to binge on carbs or comfort foods
•You feel anxious, depressed, or negative
•You feel put down, sniped at, or slimedTYPES OF EMOTIONAL VAMPIRES
Vampire #1: The Narcissist
Their motto is “Me first.” Everything is all about them. They have a grandiose sense of self-importance and entitlement, hog attention, and crave admiration. They’re dangerous because they lack empathy and have a limited capacity for unconditional love. If you don’t do things their way, they become punishing, withholding, or cold.
How to Protect Your Emotions: Keep your expectations realistic. These are emotionally limited people. Try not to fall in love with one or expect them to be selfless or love without strings attached. Never make your self-worth dependent on them or confide your deepest feelings to someone who won’t cherish them. To successfully communicate, the hard truth is that you must show how something will be to their benefit. Though it’s better not to have to contend with this tedious ego stroking, if the relationship is unavoidable use the above strategies to achieved desired results.
Vampire #2: The Victim
These vampires grate on you with their “poor-me’ attitude and are allergic to taking responsibility for their actions. The world is always against them, the reason for their unhappiness. When you offer a solution to their problems they always say, “Yes, but.” You might end up screening your calls or purposely avoid them. As a friend, you may want to help but their tales of woe overwhelm you.
How to Protect Your Emotions: Set kind but firm limits. Listen briefly and tell a friend or relative, “I love you but I can only listen for a few minutes unless you want to discuss solutions. Then I’d be thrilled to brainstorm with you.” With a coworker, listen briefly, sympathize by saying, “I’ll keep good thought for things to work out. Then say, I hope you understand, but I’m on deadline and must go back to work. Then use “this isn’t a good time” body language such as crossing your arms and breaking eye contact to help set these healthy limits.
Vampire #3: The Controller
These people obsessively try to control you and dictate what you’re supposed to be and feel. They have an opinion about everything. They’ll control you by invalidating your emotions if they don’t fit into their rulebook. They often start sentences with “You know what you need?” and then proceed to tell you. You end up feeling dominated, demeaned, or put down.
How to Protect Your Emotions: The secret to success is never try and control a controller. Be healthily assertive, but don’t tell them what to do. You can say, “I value your advice but really need to work through this myself.” Be confident but don’t play the victim or sweat the small stuff. Focus on high priority issues rather than on putting the cap on the toothpaste.
Vampire #4: The Splitter or Borderline Personality
Splitters see things as either good or bad and have love/hate relationships. One minute they idealize you, the next you’re the enemy if you upset them. They have a sixth sense for knowing how to pit people against each another and will retaliate if they feel you have wronged them. They are people who are fundamentally damaged—inwardly they feel as if they don’t exist and become alive when they get angry. They’ll keep you on an emotional rollercoaster and you may walk on eggshells to avoid their anger.
How to Protect Your Emotions: Stay calm. Don’t react when your buttons get pushed. Splitters feed off of anger. They respond best to structure and limit setting. If one goes into a rage, tell the person, “I’m leaving until you get calmer. Then we can talk.” Refuse to take sides when he or she tries to turn you against someone else. With family members, it’s best to show a united front and not let a splitter’s venomous opinions poison your relationships.
This article is based on Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life, where Dr. Orloff synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition and energy medicine. As Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA, she passionately believes that the future of medicine involves integrating all this wisdom to achieve emotional freedom and total wellness.
Is The Right Side Of Your Brain Taking Over?
The New Era Of Creativity
by Editorial Team (MindValley)
Published in: Creativity
Editor’s note: Do you consider yourself a creative person? Have your found being creative a help or a hassle in your personal, professional or financial life? Check out what author Laura Silva has to say about the positive future for creatives.
Are The Right Brains Taking Over? The New Era Of Creativity
Peek into any history book and you can see the progression of society. From the stone age to the agriculture age, then with the invention of machines came the industrial revolution. As recently as the early 90’s with the birth of the internet, we entered the stage we have come to know now — the information age.
But some are saying that a new era is dawning upon us. In Daniel Pink’s book “A Whole New Mind — Why Right Brainers Will Rule The Future” — Pink suggests we are moving into a Conceptual Age — characterized by creators and empathizers. According to him “Artists, inventors, designers, storytellers, caregivers, counselors, big-picture thinkers – will now reap society’s richest rewards and share its greatest joys.”
The Conceptual Age
Pink goes on to state that, like in the industrial revolution whern many human jobs were replaced by machines, these days any job that requires logical, analytical left brain thinking is now being replaced by a computer program. Many new professions are changing to right brain professions — and if you’re not creative it could be harder for you keep a job in this new era. The new job market no longer belongs to knowledge workers, but the creative — those who can take the abundance of information and knowledge and create something with intrinsic value. As he puts it
“A funny thing happened while we were pressing our noses to the grindstone: The world changed. The future no longer belongs to people who can reason with computer-like logic, speed, and precision. It belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind. Today — amid the uncertainties of an economy that has gone from boom to bust to blah — there’s a metaphor that explains what’s going on. And it’s right inside our heads.”
Not only “right inside our heads”, but the right hemisphere of our brain — the side responsible for creativity.
For more on the conceptual age, check out Dan’s great article “Revenge Of The Right Brain”.
The Value Of Creativity In The Workplace
This can be exemplified if you take a peak at FastCompany’s top 100 creative people in business in 2010. The top 10 not surprisingly contains a international pop star, film maker and TV producer — but the other 7? Shockingly the top ten rounds out with a Harvard law professor, the CEO of Safeway and top executives from Apple, Nike, Microsoft and Nissan. Proving that the perceived value of creativity has spread to sectors not previously thought of as “creative”.
Improved creativity is not only limited to the job spectrum. Expressing your creativity leads to a more energetic and greater quality of life. This is because when we create things and make things we are expressing ourselves in our truest form.
Creativity Adds Value To Your Life
You can improve your relationships with loved ones through a little creative thinking. Ever find yourself in a rut? Or maybe going through the same arguments over and over again? Simply by flexing your creative muscles you can approach old problems with a fresh outlook. Maybe even surprise your loved ones with a unique surprise that expresses your true feelings and appreciation for them? You can also attract new, exciting people into your life through a little creative efforts.
The definition of creativity is “whereby something new is created that has some kind of value.” The truth is the more creativity you deploy, the more things you CREATE and the more you HAVE! You can create more love, happiness, joy, health or time in your life.
Discovering Your True Self
When you express yourself you journey down the path of self discovery and authenticity. When we create something, we take it from the essence of what we truly believe, feel and think. Creativity is also a spiritual expression, so naturally people who often express themselves creatively feel more self-confident and connected to a higher source.
So maybe creativity isn’t just for art class anymore?
by Editorial Team (MindValley)
Published in: Creativity
Editor’s note: Do you consider yourself a creative person? Have your found being creative a help or a hassle in your personal, professional or financial life? Check out what author Laura Silva has to say about the positive future for creatives.
Are The Right Brains Taking Over? The New Era Of Creativity
Peek into any history book and you can see the progression of society. From the stone age to the agriculture age, then with the invention of machines came the industrial revolution. As recently as the early 90’s with the birth of the internet, we entered the stage we have come to know now — the information age.
But some are saying that a new era is dawning upon us. In Daniel Pink’s book “A Whole New Mind — Why Right Brainers Will Rule The Future” — Pink suggests we are moving into a Conceptual Age — characterized by creators and empathizers. According to him “Artists, inventors, designers, storytellers, caregivers, counselors, big-picture thinkers – will now reap society’s richest rewards and share its greatest joys.”
The Conceptual Age
Pink goes on to state that, like in the industrial revolution whern many human jobs were replaced by machines, these days any job that requires logical, analytical left brain thinking is now being replaced by a computer program. Many new professions are changing to right brain professions — and if you’re not creative it could be harder for you keep a job in this new era. The new job market no longer belongs to knowledge workers, but the creative — those who can take the abundance of information and knowledge and create something with intrinsic value. As he puts it
“A funny thing happened while we were pressing our noses to the grindstone: The world changed. The future no longer belongs to people who can reason with computer-like logic, speed, and precision. It belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind. Today — amid the uncertainties of an economy that has gone from boom to bust to blah — there’s a metaphor that explains what’s going on. And it’s right inside our heads.”
Not only “right inside our heads”, but the right hemisphere of our brain — the side responsible for creativity.
For more on the conceptual age, check out Dan’s great article “Revenge Of The Right Brain”.
The Value Of Creativity In The Workplace
This can be exemplified if you take a peak at FastCompany’s top 100 creative people in business in 2010. The top 10 not surprisingly contains a international pop star, film maker and TV producer — but the other 7? Shockingly the top ten rounds out with a Harvard law professor, the CEO of Safeway and top executives from Apple, Nike, Microsoft and Nissan. Proving that the perceived value of creativity has spread to sectors not previously thought of as “creative”.
Improved creativity is not only limited to the job spectrum. Expressing your creativity leads to a more energetic and greater quality of life. This is because when we create things and make things we are expressing ourselves in our truest form.
Creativity Adds Value To Your Life
You can improve your relationships with loved ones through a little creative thinking. Ever find yourself in a rut? Or maybe going through the same arguments over and over again? Simply by flexing your creative muscles you can approach old problems with a fresh outlook. Maybe even surprise your loved ones with a unique surprise that expresses your true feelings and appreciation for them? You can also attract new, exciting people into your life through a little creative efforts.
The definition of creativity is “whereby something new is created that has some kind of value.” The truth is the more creativity you deploy, the more things you CREATE and the more you HAVE! You can create more love, happiness, joy, health or time in your life.
Discovering Your True Self
When you express yourself you journey down the path of self discovery and authenticity. When we create something, we take it from the essence of what we truly believe, feel and think. Creativity is also a spiritual expression, so naturally people who often express themselves creatively feel more self-confident and connected to a higher source.
So maybe creativity isn’t just for art class anymore?
Friday, October 1, 2010
Left Brain, Right Brain or Switch Hitter? Take The Test
by Laura Silva in Enhancing Creativity
Ever wondered if you right brained or left brained? If you want to know, just take the test below.
Just look at the spinning girl, if she is spinning clockwise, you are more partial to right brain functioning. Whereas if she is spinning counterclockwise, your a left brain operator.
Left Brain Characteristics
Left brained people are characterized by sequential, logical and analytical. They can easily see the path from a to b. Left brainers also communicate directly, via speech or writing and respond very well to verbal directions. They also can focus very easily and pay attention to details.
As learners, left brains tend to understand through lectures, discussion and rationalization. Typcial left brain professions are accountants, lawyers and careers in the area of science.
Right Brain Characteristics
Right brained people are very creative and intuitive. They spend alot of time imagining and dreaming, which helps them create many ideas. Right brainers tend to follow their intuition and be very spontaneous.
People strong in right brain activity tend to shine in careers as artists, entrepreneurs, craftsmen and sales. Right brained people tend to understand new information by stories, diagrams, allegories and metaphors. When communicating, right brained people tend to communicate indirectly by gestures, voice tone. As in its not what they say, but HOW they say it.
Switch Hitters
While there is a good chance you already knew which way you tend to lean, creative or analytical. But here's the real question - can you change the way you see the girl spin? On command?
In baseball, some of the most valuable players are "Switch Hitters", as in they can hit the ball with their right hand or left hand, depending on the pitcher or where they need to hit the ball.
If you are one of the lucky few who knows how to control which hemisphere of the brain to use for specific tasks, consider yourself a switch hitter. People with this skill know that when they need to focus and rationalize, they need to operate from their left brain space, then can switch into a creative state of mind when needed.
The truth is, we all tend to lean towards one dominate side, but we CAN train ourselves to be switch hitters. For more on how to develop creativity check out this Finer Minds blog post.
So I'm just wondering about our Silva community:
Are you left dominated or right? Did the results of the test above surprise you?
Can you 'switch hit'?
Ever wondered if you right brained or left brained? If you want to know, just take the test below.
Just look at the spinning girl, if she is spinning clockwise, you are more partial to right brain functioning. Whereas if she is spinning counterclockwise, your a left brain operator.
Left Brain Characteristics
Left brained people are characterized by sequential, logical and analytical. They can easily see the path from a to b. Left brainers also communicate directly, via speech or writing and respond very well to verbal directions. They also can focus very easily and pay attention to details.
As learners, left brains tend to understand through lectures, discussion and rationalization. Typcial left brain professions are accountants, lawyers and careers in the area of science.
Right Brain Characteristics
Right brained people are very creative and intuitive. They spend alot of time imagining and dreaming, which helps them create many ideas. Right brainers tend to follow their intuition and be very spontaneous.
People strong in right brain activity tend to shine in careers as artists, entrepreneurs, craftsmen and sales. Right brained people tend to understand new information by stories, diagrams, allegories and metaphors. When communicating, right brained people tend to communicate indirectly by gestures, voice tone. As in its not what they say, but HOW they say it.
Switch Hitters
While there is a good chance you already knew which way you tend to lean, creative or analytical. But here's the real question - can you change the way you see the girl spin? On command?
In baseball, some of the most valuable players are "Switch Hitters", as in they can hit the ball with their right hand or left hand, depending on the pitcher or where they need to hit the ball.
If you are one of the lucky few who knows how to control which hemisphere of the brain to use for specific tasks, consider yourself a switch hitter. People with this skill know that when they need to focus and rationalize, they need to operate from their left brain space, then can switch into a creative state of mind when needed.
The truth is, we all tend to lean towards one dominate side, but we CAN train ourselves to be switch hitters. For more on how to develop creativity check out this Finer Minds blog post.
So I'm just wondering about our Silva community:
Are you left dominated or right? Did the results of the test above surprise you?
Can you 'switch hit'?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Law of Cause and Effect in Daily Living
by Laura Silva in Laura Silva, Personal Growth, Silva Method
The Law of Cause and Effect is so obvious but we seem to ignore it all the time. What I mean is: Are you living at Cause or Are you Living at Effect?
I would like to share some ways in which you can make the law of cause and effect work for you in your every-day life.
You can learn how to gain and then maintain control over your thoughts and your mind, which will then create some incredible positive effects for your daily life that will be noticeable almost right away.
This report on cause and effect will explain why, if you begin taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions right now, you will be given back what you desire. Essentially creating many positive outcomes and experiences in your day-to day life.
Live Consciously and Take Responsibility for Your Outcomes
The Law of Cause and Effect basically states that for every movement of energy such as in a natural happening, or a human thought that takes the form of an image, feeling, desire, belief, expectation or action there is a corresponding effect. For this reason the Law of Cause and Effect influences every aspect of your living experience. To determine why your living experience is of a certain quality or why something has come into your life, you simply need to discover what causes preceded the effects. If and when you like the effects you are living with then you keep the causes. If not, then you change the causes so as to create a different effect.
In order to make the most of the Law of Cause and Effect, you must live consciously and recognize that you are the creator of your own reality. This concept is not fully accepted by those who insist on pointing the finger of blame at everything and everyone but themselves for their less than desirable circumstances. "Victims" of circumstance, while living unconsciously, will do their best to disprove the Law of Cause and Effect with their own personal experience by angrily saying such things as "I work hard every day and look where it's gotten me," not realizing that their anger and negative attitude has kept them from getting the long desired promotion. The fact that negative attitudes never lead to positive outcomes no matter how hard you work hopefully leads to the following realization:
The causes that lead to your personal living experience must be holistic in nature.
Causes that lead to positive effects must contain elements of a healthy Spirit, Mind, Body and Emotions.
Those in need of emotional health, healing maturation and/or expression may find themselves achieving it only to realize the necessary work ahead of them in mending and amending the many effects that were caused by the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors of yesterday, last year, or what may seem to be of another lifetime. The good news is that it is worth the work. Having a sincere desire to mend and heal the effects caused by the "Past," and doing so, will lead to future positive effects and a more positive living experience.
The first place to start in becoming more conscious of the role the Law of Cause and Effect plays in our lives is in becoming more conscious of your thoughts. Your thoughts are the one thing that affects every thing else in your life. Thoughts take many forms and have an attractive mechanism that attracts energy to it. The energy then manifests according to the thought be it in the form of a fear, fantasy, choice, desire, belief, behavior, outcome, etc. This is why it is said that if you dwell on something long enough, and put enough passionate energy into it, then the effect is that it can, and will become your next reality.
Many of your thoughts lead to immediate effects. Being more conscious of the quality of your thoughts, and their effects, enables you to quickly alter undesirable outcomes. In many instances, by simply thinking of a more appropriate thought you can immediately create a more desirable outcome.
Think before you speak. In other words, pause for the cause by thinking of the outcome you desire instead of blurting out words based on unprocessed fears, anger, or emotions. When you feel compelled to speak out without thinking it through, PAUSE, take a deep breath, and simply tell yourself, "Relax – What's my outcome," then picture the outcome you desire and begin to move in that direction. There is no rush. You don't have to speak out immediately nor do you have to act out immediately. It is often best to remain quiet in order to think of the best, most resourceful response, behavior or plan of action.
The Law of Cause and Effect incorporates other subjective laws such as the Law of Attention that basically states where your attention goes energy flows, or what ever you focus on will expand in that direction, good or bad. The Law of Karma is similar to the Law of Cause and Effect in that it basically states that what we send forth to the Universe comes back to you. In other words what goes around comes back around, or you reap what you sow. Think wisely.
What to Do
1. Pause
2. Take a deep breath
3. Say to yourself mentally "Relax – What's my outcome"
4. Picture the desired outcome
5. Create an Action Plan
6. Begin to move in that direction
The Law of Cause and Effect is so obvious but we seem to ignore it all the time. What I mean is: Are you living at Cause or Are you Living at Effect?
I would like to share some ways in which you can make the law of cause and effect work for you in your every-day life.
You can learn how to gain and then maintain control over your thoughts and your mind, which will then create some incredible positive effects for your daily life that will be noticeable almost right away.
This report on cause and effect will explain why, if you begin taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions right now, you will be given back what you desire. Essentially creating many positive outcomes and experiences in your day-to day life.
Live Consciously and Take Responsibility for Your Outcomes
The Law of Cause and Effect basically states that for every movement of energy such as in a natural happening, or a human thought that takes the form of an image, feeling, desire, belief, expectation or action there is a corresponding effect. For this reason the Law of Cause and Effect influences every aspect of your living experience. To determine why your living experience is of a certain quality or why something has come into your life, you simply need to discover what causes preceded the effects. If and when you like the effects you are living with then you keep the causes. If not, then you change the causes so as to create a different effect.
In order to make the most of the Law of Cause and Effect, you must live consciously and recognize that you are the creator of your own reality. This concept is not fully accepted by those who insist on pointing the finger of blame at everything and everyone but themselves for their less than desirable circumstances. "Victims" of circumstance, while living unconsciously, will do their best to disprove the Law of Cause and Effect with their own personal experience by angrily saying such things as "I work hard every day and look where it's gotten me," not realizing that their anger and negative attitude has kept them from getting the long desired promotion. The fact that negative attitudes never lead to positive outcomes no matter how hard you work hopefully leads to the following realization:
The causes that lead to your personal living experience must be holistic in nature.
Causes that lead to positive effects must contain elements of a healthy Spirit, Mind, Body and Emotions.
Those in need of emotional health, healing maturation and/or expression may find themselves achieving it only to realize the necessary work ahead of them in mending and amending the many effects that were caused by the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors of yesterday, last year, or what may seem to be of another lifetime. The good news is that it is worth the work. Having a sincere desire to mend and heal the effects caused by the "Past," and doing so, will lead to future positive effects and a more positive living experience.
The first place to start in becoming more conscious of the role the Law of Cause and Effect plays in our lives is in becoming more conscious of your thoughts. Your thoughts are the one thing that affects every thing else in your life. Thoughts take many forms and have an attractive mechanism that attracts energy to it. The energy then manifests according to the thought be it in the form of a fear, fantasy, choice, desire, belief, behavior, outcome, etc. This is why it is said that if you dwell on something long enough, and put enough passionate energy into it, then the effect is that it can, and will become your next reality.
Many of your thoughts lead to immediate effects. Being more conscious of the quality of your thoughts, and their effects, enables you to quickly alter undesirable outcomes. In many instances, by simply thinking of a more appropriate thought you can immediately create a more desirable outcome.
Think before you speak. In other words, pause for the cause by thinking of the outcome you desire instead of blurting out words based on unprocessed fears, anger, or emotions. When you feel compelled to speak out without thinking it through, PAUSE, take a deep breath, and simply tell yourself, "Relax – What's my outcome," then picture the outcome you desire and begin to move in that direction. There is no rush. You don't have to speak out immediately nor do you have to act out immediately. It is often best to remain quiet in order to think of the best, most resourceful response, behavior or plan of action.
The Law of Cause and Effect incorporates other subjective laws such as the Law of Attention that basically states where your attention goes energy flows, or what ever you focus on will expand in that direction, good or bad. The Law of Karma is similar to the Law of Cause and Effect in that it basically states that what we send forth to the Universe comes back to you. In other words what goes around comes back around, or you reap what you sow. Think wisely.
What to Do
1. Pause
2. Take a deep breath
3. Say to yourself mentally "Relax – What's my outcome"
4. Picture the desired outcome
5. Create an Action Plan
6. Begin to move in that direction
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
What Happens After Death
Dannion Brinkley, hit by lightening, experienced an NDE (near death experience). He's interviewed on CBS.
Make sure to leave your Comment. I'm interested in your opinion of this!
Make sure to leave your Comment. I'm interested in your opinion of this!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Alpha All The Time?
Often when talking to students of The Silva Method as well as other pursuits, I'm asked how to stay in alpha all the time. My answer is always "It's not necessary or appropriate to be in alpha all the time." The following article from SIGA is on this very topic. Let's listen to Jose's thoughts on the subject:
Sometimes people ask us how they can remain at the alpha level all day.
We explain that they can learn to have alpha functioning at any time in order to detect information, make decisions, and correct problems.
Once we have obtained the information and made our decisions and correct problems mentally, then we need to use the 20 cycles per second beta frequency and get into action in order to manifest the solution in the physical dimension.
Here is the way that Jose Silva saw it:
by Jose Silva
Success is not for the timid. It is for those who seek guidance, make decisions, and take decisive action.
Many people learn how to program very effectively, and often they are able to get those things that they program for. Yet they still find their lives limited and unfulfilled.
Other people are very creative, and come up with many excellent ideas, yet never seem to achieve very much, or make money from their ideas, or help anybody with those ideas.
You find all kinds of people. There are those who are excellent at research, at digging out the facts, yet they never determine what to do with those things that they learn.
Some people are so paralyzed by indecision that they literally become nervous wrecks.
To achieve success - and by success I mean whatever you determine success to be for you - you must take appropriate action, for wishing does not make it so. Proper programming, coupled with appropriate action, makes things happen.
Let's take it step by step.
First, seek guidance. You do this by entering your level, functioning in the subjective dimension where prayers are effective, where you can make contact with High Intelligence. Consider your qualifications, what you like, the things you are good at. Then ask what you should do to serve, how you can help the Creator. Be aware of your strong points, but do not limit yourself; expect creative guidance.
Then clear your mind; expect an answer. Some people spend all their time asking and talking. You must be a good listener. If necessary, use your Glass of Water Technique to obtain guidance. The guidance will come. Then you are ready for the second step.
Second, you decide how to fulfill your purpose in life. This involves both time at level, and action in the physical world. You must program for success, and you must also start doing something.
Some people want to wait until they are perfect before they are ready to fulfill their missions. This is a mistake. If you were perfect, you would not be here in this classroom called Earth. This is our training ground - on-the-job training.
It is very important to learn all you can while you are here. And it is important to love, and to express your love, to other humans on this planet. Learning how to interact better in relationships with other humans is something very important while we are here.
We have a choice about our relationships with others. We can compete, or we can cooperate. Throughout the world, many people are competing -- often with guns and bombs. It is important that we change this, and help bring peace to our planet.
(This column originally appeared in the Silva Method Newsletter in 1984.)
Sometimes people ask us how they can remain at the alpha level all day.
We explain that they can learn to have alpha functioning at any time in order to detect information, make decisions, and correct problems.
Once we have obtained the information and made our decisions and correct problems mentally, then we need to use the 20 cycles per second beta frequency and get into action in order to manifest the solution in the physical dimension.
Here is the way that Jose Silva saw it:
by Jose Silva
Success is not for the timid. It is for those who seek guidance, make decisions, and take decisive action.
Many people learn how to program very effectively, and often they are able to get those things that they program for. Yet they still find their lives limited and unfulfilled.
Other people are very creative, and come up with many excellent ideas, yet never seem to achieve very much, or make money from their ideas, or help anybody with those ideas.
You find all kinds of people. There are those who are excellent at research, at digging out the facts, yet they never determine what to do with those things that they learn.
Some people are so paralyzed by indecision that they literally become nervous wrecks.
To achieve success - and by success I mean whatever you determine success to be for you - you must take appropriate action, for wishing does not make it so. Proper programming, coupled with appropriate action, makes things happen.
Let's take it step by step.
First, seek guidance. You do this by entering your level, functioning in the subjective dimension where prayers are effective, where you can make contact with High Intelligence. Consider your qualifications, what you like, the things you are good at. Then ask what you should do to serve, how you can help the Creator. Be aware of your strong points, but do not limit yourself; expect creative guidance.
Then clear your mind; expect an answer. Some people spend all their time asking and talking. You must be a good listener. If necessary, use your Glass of Water Technique to obtain guidance. The guidance will come. Then you are ready for the second step.
Second, you decide how to fulfill your purpose in life. This involves both time at level, and action in the physical world. You must program for success, and you must also start doing something.
Some people want to wait until they are perfect before they are ready to fulfill their missions. This is a mistake. If you were perfect, you would not be here in this classroom called Earth. This is our training ground - on-the-job training.
It is very important to learn all you can while you are here. And it is important to love, and to express your love, to other humans on this planet. Learning how to interact better in relationships with other humans is something very important while we are here.
We have a choice about our relationships with others. We can compete, or we can cooperate. Throughout the world, many people are competing -- often with guns and bombs. It is important that we change this, and help bring peace to our planet.
(This column originally appeared in the Silva Method Newsletter in 1984.)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Great Awakening (from Abraham)
Abraham/Hicks video that is so uplifting. This could be the best 2 1/2 minutes at the beginning and end of each day!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Success Using the Silva Method
Certain principles apply to achieving success with all of the techniques in the Silva Method.
There are seminars and home study courses to help you in every area of your life, from health and relationships to business and learning and sports and more.
Common factors that are necessary for success with all of the techniques, in all areas of life, are:
Functioning at the alpha level, and
using visualization and
Fortunately, Jose Silva did not have good visualization...Most people don't.
Our research indicates that about 10 percent of people have good mental images spontaneously when they think of something. Another 10 percent can quickly create a mental image when they think of something.
The rest of us have to take time to recall what the object looks like. If you have completed the Silva Method Basic Lecture Series or the Silva UltraMind ESP System, then you have gone through the process that Jose Silva and most of us go through. (blogger's note: this also would include the Silva Life System and Intuition Training)
Remember in the Projection to Human Anatomy Conditioning, your instructor asks you to recall someone you know very well, whose face you can recall with the least effort. Then you are instructed to recall the person's features, one by one: The hair, the forehead, the skin tone, the eyes, the cheeks, the character of the face. Have you ever wondered: If this is someone whose face I can recall with the least effort, then why do I need to recall all of those details?
Because most of us - 80 percent of us - need to recall those details, to recall what the person looks like, in order to visualize the person.
Most of the ultra successful people who write the "success books" are among the 10 percent who are great natural visualizers. The problem is: They assume that all the rest of us function the same way they do.
Fortunately, Jose Silva functioned like most of us do, so he understood what is necessary in order to achieve success with our programming in the subjective dimension.
The most important factor is the first one we mentioned: Functioning at the alpha level. You can learn that by practicing the Silva Centering Exercise with the procedures that Juan Silva recommends in his great article on Deepening in the Guidance for Grads section of the web site.
Once at your level, you can use visualization and imagination to program to correct problems and improve conditions...provided that you use visualization and imagination at the alpha level. That's the real key to success.
Here is an article from Jose Silva about using these important and valuable tools.
Silva Method techniques will bring about changes for the better in every area of your life: health, relationships, business, learning, self-confidence - anything you desire to change.
Why do they work so well? What mechanisms are involved in making these changes?
The key is functioning in the subjective (mental) dimension. When you enter your level, you are then functioning in the invisible world of the mind, and you are able to make changes in the visible world of the body.
The tools of the subjective dimension are visualization and imagination. They are two faculties of genius.
Let's take a close look at these tools so you will understand exactly what they are and how to use them in the spiritual dimension to make the needed changes.
Remember that it is important to use visualization and imagination in the subjective dimension, that is, at your level. Many books tell you to visualize your goals, but if they do not teach you a method for doing so in the subjective dimension, then this will do you little good.
Visualization is memory. Visualization is remembering what something looks like. Visualization is a receiving mechanism. In the subjective dimension, you receive a mental image of what something looks like.
If your mental image is not as clear as you would like it, simply recall what the subject looks like. Recalling what something looks like is visualization. Recall the details and the colors.
Imagination is a creative process. With imagination, you create a mental image of something you have not seen previously. With imagination, you create whatever you desire.
When you create something in the subjective dimension, with your imagination, then it actually exists - in the subjective dimension - and can be perceived by other people when they are functioning in the subjective dimension.
Everything must first be created in the subjective dimension; then it can manifest in the physical (objective) dimension also.
Imagination is a transmitting mechanism. With imagination, you can transmit your desired end result to the physical dimension.
There is no time or space in the subjective dimension. When you create something, it exists as of that moment. But the physical dimension does have time and space, so it may take time before your desires manifest in physics.
Visualization is the receiving mechanism, imagination is the transmitting mechanism. How do you put these to use?
You can use the 3-Scenes Technique or the Mirror of the Mind Technique.
For the 3-Scenes Technique, use visualization to receive (recall) a metal image of the situation as it exists now, the problem. Then go to the 2nd Scene, to your left (towards the future in the subjective dimension) and visualize whatever you are doing to correct the problem. Then with your imagination, create and transmit to the physical dimension the desired end result, your goal, in the 3rd scene, farthest to your left.
With the Mirror of the Mind, use visualization to receive (recall) a metal image of the situation as it exists now, the problem, in the blue framed mirror. Then erase the problem image, move the mirror to your left (the future in the subjective dimension) and change the frame to white - and with your imagination create and transmit an image of the solution to the physical dimension the desired end result, your goal.
Use this same technique to create better health, better relationships, a better job or increased business, better grades, any traits or characteristics you desire for yourself - anything at all that you want to have, to do, or to be.
You can use the same technique to help other people. First, recall (receive information) about the existing situation (the problem), then use your imagination to create a solution (goal) and transmit it to the physical dimension. Just be certain you do your programming in the subjective dimension, while at your level.
In the future, when you think of your project, visualize (recall) the goal you created with your imagination in the subjective dimension. Take it for granted that the solution already exists, and is being transmitted to the physical dimension so it can manifest in the physical world-of-the-body dimension.
This is what is meant by the phrase "Pray believing you have already received." Our way of saying it is to "Program in the future in a past tense sense."
Take it for granted, and you will get your results.
provided by SIGA
There are seminars and home study courses to help you in every area of your life, from health and relationships to business and learning and sports and more.
Common factors that are necessary for success with all of the techniques, in all areas of life, are:
Functioning at the alpha level, and
using visualization and
Fortunately, Jose Silva did not have good visualization...Most people don't.
Our research indicates that about 10 percent of people have good mental images spontaneously when they think of something. Another 10 percent can quickly create a mental image when they think of something.
The rest of us have to take time to recall what the object looks like. If you have completed the Silva Method Basic Lecture Series or the Silva UltraMind ESP System, then you have gone through the process that Jose Silva and most of us go through. (blogger's note: this also would include the Silva Life System and Intuition Training)
Remember in the Projection to Human Anatomy Conditioning, your instructor asks you to recall someone you know very well, whose face you can recall with the least effort. Then you are instructed to recall the person's features, one by one: The hair, the forehead, the skin tone, the eyes, the cheeks, the character of the face. Have you ever wondered: If this is someone whose face I can recall with the least effort, then why do I need to recall all of those details?
Because most of us - 80 percent of us - need to recall those details, to recall what the person looks like, in order to visualize the person.
Most of the ultra successful people who write the "success books" are among the 10 percent who are great natural visualizers. The problem is: They assume that all the rest of us function the same way they do.
Fortunately, Jose Silva functioned like most of us do, so he understood what is necessary in order to achieve success with our programming in the subjective dimension.
The most important factor is the first one we mentioned: Functioning at the alpha level. You can learn that by practicing the Silva Centering Exercise with the procedures that Juan Silva recommends in his great article on Deepening in the Guidance for Grads section of the web site.
Once at your level, you can use visualization and imagination to program to correct problems and improve conditions...provided that you use visualization and imagination at the alpha level. That's the real key to success.
Here is an article from Jose Silva about using these important and valuable tools.
Silva Method techniques will bring about changes for the better in every area of your life: health, relationships, business, learning, self-confidence - anything you desire to change.
Why do they work so well? What mechanisms are involved in making these changes?
The key is functioning in the subjective (mental) dimension. When you enter your level, you are then functioning in the invisible world of the mind, and you are able to make changes in the visible world of the body.
The tools of the subjective dimension are visualization and imagination. They are two faculties of genius.
Let's take a close look at these tools so you will understand exactly what they are and how to use them in the spiritual dimension to make the needed changes.
Remember that it is important to use visualization and imagination in the subjective dimension, that is, at your level. Many books tell you to visualize your goals, but if they do not teach you a method for doing so in the subjective dimension, then this will do you little good.
Visualization is memory. Visualization is remembering what something looks like. Visualization is a receiving mechanism. In the subjective dimension, you receive a mental image of what something looks like.
If your mental image is not as clear as you would like it, simply recall what the subject looks like. Recalling what something looks like is visualization. Recall the details and the colors.
Imagination is a creative process. With imagination, you create a mental image of something you have not seen previously. With imagination, you create whatever you desire.
When you create something in the subjective dimension, with your imagination, then it actually exists - in the subjective dimension - and can be perceived by other people when they are functioning in the subjective dimension.
Everything must first be created in the subjective dimension; then it can manifest in the physical (objective) dimension also.
Imagination is a transmitting mechanism. With imagination, you can transmit your desired end result to the physical dimension.
There is no time or space in the subjective dimension. When you create something, it exists as of that moment. But the physical dimension does have time and space, so it may take time before your desires manifest in physics.
Visualization is the receiving mechanism, imagination is the transmitting mechanism. How do you put these to use?
You can use the 3-Scenes Technique or the Mirror of the Mind Technique.
For the 3-Scenes Technique, use visualization to receive (recall) a metal image of the situation as it exists now, the problem. Then go to the 2nd Scene, to your left (towards the future in the subjective dimension) and visualize whatever you are doing to correct the problem. Then with your imagination, create and transmit to the physical dimension the desired end result, your goal, in the 3rd scene, farthest to your left.
With the Mirror of the Mind, use visualization to receive (recall) a metal image of the situation as it exists now, the problem, in the blue framed mirror. Then erase the problem image, move the mirror to your left (the future in the subjective dimension) and change the frame to white - and with your imagination create and transmit an image of the solution to the physical dimension the desired end result, your goal.
Use this same technique to create better health, better relationships, a better job or increased business, better grades, any traits or characteristics you desire for yourself - anything at all that you want to have, to do, or to be.
You can use the same technique to help other people. First, recall (receive information) about the existing situation (the problem), then use your imagination to create a solution (goal) and transmit it to the physical dimension. Just be certain you do your programming in the subjective dimension, while at your level.
In the future, when you think of your project, visualize (recall) the goal you created with your imagination in the subjective dimension. Take it for granted that the solution already exists, and is being transmitted to the physical dimension so it can manifest in the physical world-of-the-body dimension.
This is what is meant by the phrase "Pray believing you have already received." Our way of saying it is to "Program in the future in a past tense sense."
Take it for granted, and you will get your results.
provided by SIGA
Saturday, September 11, 2010
How to Exercise Your Brain
taken from "How God Changes Your Brain" by Andrew Newberg, M.D. and Mark Robert Waldman
This information is both beneficial for our brain and is consistent with the ideals and goals most of us have for our lives, spiritually and otherwise. How to Exercise Your Brain may seem very familiar to Silva Method Graduates!
There are eight ways we can exercise our brain...I'll follow the authors' lead and list these in reverse order:
8) Smile
Thich Nhat Hanh suggests we do a 'smiling meditation' throughout the day. It's not necessary to stop, sit or lie down, close your eyes and go into the meditative state...just smile. Smile at other people and smile because it feels good!
However don't go into laughter....totally different experience with very different outcomes.
7) Stay intellectually active
No surprise here...we've been hearing for years that intellectual activity is a deterrant to alzheimer's disease. Memory and mnemonic exercises (Silva Memory Pegs!) strategy games such as chess, read books (fiction or non-fiction) educational TV programming, problem solving and quick reasoning are great. Really get into these activities and challenge yourself.
Note: the authors say that crossword puzzles and math exercises don't work.
Make sure you're enjoying yourself!
6) Consciously relax
Deliberate relaxation of areas of your body...sounds like the Silva Long Relax is perfect for this. They also recommend calming music. All reduce stress and that's beneficial 'across the board'.
5) Yawn
Yes, yawn benefits your brain! Yawning relaxes you and brings you into a state of awareness, alertness. On page 158 of "How God Changes Your Brain" the authors list 12 essential reasons to yawn! There are so many ways yawning is beneficial that it's probably best you look into yourself.
4) Meditate and Intensive Prayer
Benefits body and mind as well as the spiritual self. Even 10 - 15 minutes is enough to make a significantly positive effect. Are you in school now? Meditation before testing can significantly improve your score!
Guided visualization and self-hypnosis are in this category too.
3) Aerobic exercise
Not only is exercise beneficial to maintain health it helps in the healing process, including rebuilding damage caused by brain lesions and strokes. Among other physical benefits the immune system gets a boost. The authors note that exercise "can be used to treat clinical depression and it is just as effective as antidepressants."
Exercise can even be considered a form meditation because of the focus involved in using your body. It also enhances relaxation and your spiritual life.
Some researchers believe yoga is as beneficial as more strenuous movement.
You'll want to check the last paragraph on page 161!
2) Talk with others
Social interaction is very we are with others, we talk. The topic here is intellectual conversation, abstract ideas. Discuss ideas and concepts that don't come up at work very often such as the Big Bang theory. Make sure that these conversations are positively stimulating and don't deteriorate into upsetting 'conversations'.
1) Faith
No matter what, we need to trust ourselves. We rely on faith in ourselves, in God, our intuition to go through life. Faith includes or equates with optimism, the trust that a good future awaits us.
This information is both beneficial for our brain and is consistent with the ideals and goals most of us have for our lives, spiritually and otherwise. How to Exercise Your Brain may seem very familiar to Silva Method Graduates!
There are eight ways we can exercise our brain...I'll follow the authors' lead and list these in reverse order:
8) Smile
Thich Nhat Hanh suggests we do a 'smiling meditation' throughout the day. It's not necessary to stop, sit or lie down, close your eyes and go into the meditative state...just smile. Smile at other people and smile because it feels good!
However don't go into laughter....totally different experience with very different outcomes.
7) Stay intellectually active
No surprise here...we've been hearing for years that intellectual activity is a deterrant to alzheimer's disease. Memory and mnemonic exercises (Silva Memory Pegs!) strategy games such as chess, read books (fiction or non-fiction) educational TV programming, problem solving and quick reasoning are great. Really get into these activities and challenge yourself.
Note: the authors say that crossword puzzles and math exercises don't work.
Make sure you're enjoying yourself!
6) Consciously relax
Deliberate relaxation of areas of your body...sounds like the Silva Long Relax is perfect for this. They also recommend calming music. All reduce stress and that's beneficial 'across the board'.
5) Yawn
Yes, yawn benefits your brain! Yawning relaxes you and brings you into a state of awareness, alertness. On page 158 of "How God Changes Your Brain" the authors list 12 essential reasons to yawn! There are so many ways yawning is beneficial that it's probably best you look into yourself.
4) Meditate and Intensive Prayer
Benefits body and mind as well as the spiritual self. Even 10 - 15 minutes is enough to make a significantly positive effect. Are you in school now? Meditation before testing can significantly improve your score!
Guided visualization and self-hypnosis are in this category too.
3) Aerobic exercise
Not only is exercise beneficial to maintain health it helps in the healing process, including rebuilding damage caused by brain lesions and strokes. Among other physical benefits the immune system gets a boost. The authors note that exercise "can be used to treat clinical depression and it is just as effective as antidepressants."
Exercise can even be considered a form meditation because of the focus involved in using your body. It also enhances relaxation and your spiritual life.
Some researchers believe yoga is as beneficial as more strenuous movement.
You'll want to check the last paragraph on page 161!
2) Talk with others
Social interaction is very we are with others, we talk. The topic here is intellectual conversation, abstract ideas. Discuss ideas and concepts that don't come up at work very often such as the Big Bang theory. Make sure that these conversations are positively stimulating and don't deteriorate into upsetting 'conversations'.
1) Faith
No matter what, we need to trust ourselves. We rely on faith in ourselves, in God, our intuition to go through life. Faith includes or equates with optimism, the trust that a good future awaits us.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Are you "Happy but Broke" or a "Stressed Out Visionary"?
While some of us get a lot of emails from Vishen (Finer Minds, MindValley, etc.) I find it's best to take a look rather than automatically hite the 'delete' button.
This video, the result of one of his latest emails, is quite good. Really makes me think.
I trust you enjoy it and please leave a comment.
Better & Better,
This video, the result of one of his latest emails, is quite good. Really makes me think.
I trust you enjoy it and please leave a comment.
Better & Better,
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Living Life in Balance
Most of us enjoy our lives and seek to make them better and better. How to make them better? Most people agree that balance is the key.
How do you keep balance in your life? Do you have a process that allows you to know when things are 'off kilter'?
When you watch this video from Vishen Lakhiani you may choose to take a few notes. Definitely worth your time!
How do you keep balance in your life? Do you have a process that allows you to know when things are 'off kilter'?
When you watch this video from Vishen Lakhiani you may choose to take a few notes. Definitely worth your time!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
UltraSuccessful People, Their Books/Course and How To Get Their Techniques To Work For You
This is part of an article written by Jose Silva.
There have been thousands of books and courses created to help people achieve more success, and they prove useful. for a very few people. In fact, only about one person in ten receives any significant benefit from most of these books and courses...
...let's look first at what makes successful people successful. Not the person with average success, but the person with outstanding success. And not just success in one field, but success in many fields.
These very successful people have goals, of course, and a strong commitment to reach their goals. They are persistent, and are hard workers. They are reasonably intelligent, and relate well to other people.
But many people with average success share these same traits.
So what is the difference?
It is this: People who achieve outstanding success use more of their brains and minds than those who achieve average success.
Most people, approximately ninety percent, use only the left half of the brain for thinking, while the other ten percent use both sides of the brain to think with.
Does this make the ninety percent who are left brain thinkers just half as effective? No, they are usually much less than half as effective. For example, try lifting a bulky object with just one arm instead of two.
Now back to the question of why the Silva Method has helped so many people. While most books and courses motivate people and tell them how to set goals and be more persistent in striving for them, these programs do not teach people how to use the right side of the brain.
The Silva Method is the first program ever created that guides people to start using the right side of the brain to think with.
To develop all of your potential, it is essential that you use both brain hemispheres to think with, because each functions in its own way.
The left brain hemisphere interprets everything logically. The right brain hemisphere perceives things differently: it senses patterns, it creates new combinations that are not limited by logic.
Just take a look at the people who achieve above average success. When they talk, they seem to have a better grasp of things, to understand more quickly. They are more sensitive to people, and seem to know exactly how to deal with them. And they make correct decisions. More correct decisions than the average person.
While the left brain hemisphere is limited by logic, the right brain hemisphere is not biased against any information. It considers everything, and in various combinations. And the right brain hemisphere has access to more information than the left brain hemisphere because it deals with information stored in the subconscious.
Intuition - hunches are a phenomenon of the right brain hemisphere. The right brain hemisphere perceives information that the logical left brain hemisphere misses. When you are able to think with both brain hemispheres, you have much more going for you than if you are limited to only one.
How can you learn to use your right brain hemisphere to think with?
First, learn to relax and slow your brain until you are at a level comparable to light sleep. Then practice using visualization and imagination, and you are using your right brain hemisphere.
With practice, you can learn to reach this level without going to sleep The fastest way to learn is by attending the Silva Method training where a lecturer guides you.
When you have practiced enough, the proper way, then you can evoke that special feeling associated with using the right brain hemisphere at any time, so you will have access to the right brain's abilities whenever you need them.
People who achieve outstanding success all do this, although they may not realize that most people do not function the same way they do. Remember this when you read their books and take their courses. If you apply their techniques with your right brain hemisphere, then you will achieve results the way they do.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
What's Your Daily Ritual?
While I may have posted this earlier - either here or on FB - it's worth another look.
What are your daily rituals? Do they serve you well? Is 'going to level' part of your daily ritual?
Remember "5 minutes is good, 10 minutes is very good, and 15 minutes is excellent". Don't discount the power and importance of even a minute or two.
Every day in every way you're getting better better and better!
What are your daily rituals? Do they serve you well? Is 'going to level' part of your daily ritual?
Remember "5 minutes is good, 10 minutes is very good, and 15 minutes is excellent". Don't discount the power and importance of even a minute or two.
Every day in every way you're getting better better and better!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Are You Happy but Broke or a Stressed Visionary?
Vishan Lakhiani provided an interesting video today called Which Are You: "Happy but Broke” or a “Stressed Out Visionary?"
Think about what he has to say and discover where you really are. Then think about what that means for you. Do you need to do something differently? If so, what?
Think about what he has to say and discover where you really are. Then think about what that means for you. Do you need to do something differently? If so, what?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Who's Creating Your Life - Your Problems or You?
What do you notice in your life? What do you think about?
How many problems are you actively worrying about?
How many things keep you awake at night? or wake you?
Did you ever notice that problems seem to 'breed'? ie The more you have to worry about, the more problems you have to solve, the more problems you have to solve! In fact, the better you are at solving those problems the more of them you get. You may ask yourself "Do people see me as a good problem solver...the go-to person to find answers?"
Do you really choose to live that way? How can you change that?
When you 'solve' a challenging situation, tell yourself "Well, that's less difficulty to handleand soon I'll be free of difficulties!" (As a former 'go-to problem solver' I know it works because I've done it and my life is sooooo much better today.)
Now it's time to make sure you have interests and activities that are fun, uplifting, happy, fulfilling and the like. You cannot give up something without putting something in it's place. This is the Clean Closet Principal: if you remove most or all of the stuff, soon it's filled up again and almost always the new stuff is just as undesireable as the original stuff. Instead of returning to an old habit of worry and problems, make sure your life is filled with positive thoughts, words and experiences. Get excited about life!
Of course there will be challenging situations throughout life. It just happens sometimes but it doesnt have to be your theme. YOU control the theme of your thoughts, your days and your life. Sooner or later you'll notice that your life is going along much smoother than in the past...and you're loving it!
Let's look forward to better thoughts, better days and a better life every every way!
How many problems are you actively worrying about?
How many things keep you awake at night? or wake you?
Did you ever notice that problems seem to 'breed'? ie The more you have to worry about, the more problems you have to solve, the more problems you have to solve! In fact, the better you are at solving those problems the more of them you get. You may ask yourself "Do people see me as a good problem solver...the go-to person to find answers?"
Do you really choose to live that way? How can you change that?
When you 'solve' a challenging situation, tell yourself "Well, that's less difficulty to handleand soon I'll be free of difficulties!" (As a former 'go-to problem solver' I know it works because I've done it and my life is sooooo much better today.)
Now it's time to make sure you have interests and activities that are fun, uplifting, happy, fulfilling and the like. You cannot give up something without putting something in it's place. This is the Clean Closet Principal: if you remove most or all of the stuff, soon it's filled up again and almost always the new stuff is just as undesireable as the original stuff. Instead of returning to an old habit of worry and problems, make sure your life is filled with positive thoughts, words and experiences. Get excited about life!
Of course there will be challenging situations throughout life. It just happens sometimes but it doesnt have to be your theme. YOU control the theme of your thoughts, your days and your life. Sooner or later you'll notice that your life is going along much smoother than in the past...and you're loving it!
Let's look forward to better thoughts, better days and a better life every every way!
Monday, August 9, 2010
From Infinity to Infinity - Microcosm to Macrocosm
In the Silva Life System we have an exercise called The Fantastic Voyage. It's an awesome experience!
This video may give you a sense of how it feels to take this voyage.
I'm looking forward to sharing it with you.
This video may give you a sense of how it feels to take this voyage.
I'm looking forward to sharing it with you.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
What Is & How Is "Faith" Important in Silva?
Many people talk about faith and how important it is, but few really understand what faith is. Here is Jose Silva's explanation:
It is important to have faith. But to have it, we must first know what it is and understand it.
Faith is composed of Desire, Belief, and Expectancy. Let us take a look at those three components of faith in some detail, to see how we can increase them.
Desire stems from need. When there is a genuine need, you have genuine desire. This is important because it is a motive force,compelling us towards our goals.
There is little desire in luxuries because there is no real need, but there is great desire when necessities are lacking because life itself can be threatened. To develop your abilities, seek out the problems and help correct them. Then later, when you have more experience, you will be better able to attain the luxuries.
This, we believe, is why we were guided to be successful in developing the Silva Method, the only system of mind training ever developed to help people learn to use the alpha level and the subjective, spiritual, dimension consciously to correct problems on our planet. Many other systems have copied our, but no one else has originated such a system.
Throughout our research, we worked on real, existing problem cases. While other researchers chose to have psychics guess what was on ESP cards, or try to control the throw of the dice, we were having our subjects detect health problems, and other kinds of problems, and then do whatever they thought would help correct the problems.
This kind of effort paid off. It seems as though a diseased human organ, or injured human tissue, calls out somehow for help. Therefore it is easier to become aware of a problem that of something that is not a problem.
We see so-called miracles when desire - that is, need is very strong. When a person has a great need - for instance, when life is threatened - then there is so much desire that it will carry the other two factors even if they are very weak. All three factors must be there, but one very strong factor can carry the others.
Belief is what sustains you along the way from the motivation of your desire to the target of your expectancy. Desire pushes and motivates you, belief keeps you going, and expectancy is your goal, your target.
How can you build a stronger belief factor?
As long as you continue to practice, you are expressing your belief. You can build more belief by repeating (attending and repeating the SLS and SIT) the Basic Lecture Series, reading all the books available, and staying involved in graduate activities.
At your level, check your belief systems: Do you believe your goal is possible? If not, establish interim goals that are believable to you.
Do you believe you deserve what you are seeking? If you have any doubt, then start doing something to serve humanity and to correct problems that you see. When you are correcting problems, without creating any new problems, then you will receive all that you need to continue your work. Promises don't count - you must demonstrate your service first.
Expectancy is the goal. Expectancy grows through repeated successes. It is important to practice as much as possible to increase expectancy.
So develop your expectancy factor through practice. But remember to practice on the right things: the problem areas, not the luxuries. When you are more proficient, then you will be able to obtain all the luxuries you need. You notice I said need - not necessarily all you desire, but all you need.
In developing the ability to use your mind more effectively, you must do the same as when developing your muscles: practice, practice, practice....
...First, learn to find and consciously use the alpha dimension... Then help correct the problems... The luxuries will come later.
Develop your ability to function at alpha. Develop your faith. Apply all of this to the correction of problems that hurt the inhabitants of our planet, and the planet itself, and you will eventually achieve all that you need and much, much more.
by Jose Silva
Article provided by SIGA (Silva International Grad Assoc.)
It is important to have faith. But to have it, we must first know what it is and understand it.
Faith is composed of Desire, Belief, and Expectancy. Let us take a look at those three components of faith in some detail, to see how we can increase them.
Desire stems from need. When there is a genuine need, you have genuine desire. This is important because it is a motive force,compelling us towards our goals.
There is little desire in luxuries because there is no real need, but there is great desire when necessities are lacking because life itself can be threatened. To develop your abilities, seek out the problems and help correct them. Then later, when you have more experience, you will be better able to attain the luxuries.
This, we believe, is why we were guided to be successful in developing the Silva Method, the only system of mind training ever developed to help people learn to use the alpha level and the subjective, spiritual, dimension consciously to correct problems on our planet. Many other systems have copied our, but no one else has originated such a system.
Throughout our research, we worked on real, existing problem cases. While other researchers chose to have psychics guess what was on ESP cards, or try to control the throw of the dice, we were having our subjects detect health problems, and other kinds of problems, and then do whatever they thought would help correct the problems.
This kind of effort paid off. It seems as though a diseased human organ, or injured human tissue, calls out somehow for help. Therefore it is easier to become aware of a problem that of something that is not a problem.
We see so-called miracles when desire - that is, need is very strong. When a person has a great need - for instance, when life is threatened - then there is so much desire that it will carry the other two factors even if they are very weak. All three factors must be there, but one very strong factor can carry the others.
Belief is what sustains you along the way from the motivation of your desire to the target of your expectancy. Desire pushes and motivates you, belief keeps you going, and expectancy is your goal, your target.
How can you build a stronger belief factor?
As long as you continue to practice, you are expressing your belief. You can build more belief by repeating (attending and repeating the SLS and SIT) the Basic Lecture Series, reading all the books available, and staying involved in graduate activities.
At your level, check your belief systems: Do you believe your goal is possible? If not, establish interim goals that are believable to you.
Do you believe you deserve what you are seeking? If you have any doubt, then start doing something to serve humanity and to correct problems that you see. When you are correcting problems, without creating any new problems, then you will receive all that you need to continue your work. Promises don't count - you must demonstrate your service first.
Expectancy is the goal. Expectancy grows through repeated successes. It is important to practice as much as possible to increase expectancy.
So develop your expectancy factor through practice. But remember to practice on the right things: the problem areas, not the luxuries. When you are more proficient, then you will be able to obtain all the luxuries you need. You notice I said need - not necessarily all you desire, but all you need.
In developing the ability to use your mind more effectively, you must do the same as when developing your muscles: practice, practice, practice....
...First, learn to find and consciously use the alpha dimension... Then help correct the problems... The luxuries will come later.
Develop your ability to function at alpha. Develop your faith. Apply all of this to the correction of problems that hurt the inhabitants of our planet, and the planet itself, and you will eventually achieve all that you need and much, much more.
by Jose Silva
Article provided by SIGA (Silva International Grad Assoc.)
Saturday, July 24, 2010
3 Steps to Make Your Dreams Come True
We all have dreams...some more fantasy than dream. How often have you written them down? If you record your nightly dreams, you probably have some written. Do you write your 'daydreams', your childhood dreams/goals, your fantasies?
The power of paper and pen is awesome! It's the first step in manifestation, creation, reality. Write your dream and then rewrite it until you have it just the way you truly desire. It's important to 'play' with this, making it exactly what you desire, so that doubt (aka the dreamkiller) is trounced!
Because you're focusing and doing something (action, writing) you're also creating a different state of mind - expectation, certainty of fulfillment.
By focusing on exactly what you desire, you're creating a state of certainty which can defeat any doubt.
Next, do your programming. If you're a Silva Method Graduate, you know the techniques. In short, it means using a mental process designed to move your dream from 'thought' to 'reality'.
Now comes the even-more-fun part...Action!
Take action - small or large - daily. Say your desire is a luxurious yacht and you say to me "What can I do to make this happen? I don't even have a rowboat today!" Well, you can walk around the marina, go to a dealer who sells them or look at pictures of yachts. This fuels the fire of your desire.
While I wouldn't call this a 'step', it's important to appreciate what you have as well as what you've had in the past. Be thankful. Express gratitude for what you have and what you're soon going to have. This keeps your mind in the positive state of expectation so that your dream is attracted to you.
Use this process to realize your dreams and, as you experience more dreams fulfilled, you'll grow in confidence - faith in yourself and your process.
Better & Better,
The power of paper and pen is awesome! It's the first step in manifestation, creation, reality. Write your dream and then rewrite it until you have it just the way you truly desire. It's important to 'play' with this, making it exactly what you desire, so that doubt (aka the dreamkiller) is trounced!
Because you're focusing and doing something (action, writing) you're also creating a different state of mind - expectation, certainty of fulfillment.
By focusing on exactly what you desire, you're creating a state of certainty which can defeat any doubt.
Next, do your programming. If you're a Silva Method Graduate, you know the techniques. In short, it means using a mental process designed to move your dream from 'thought' to 'reality'.
Now comes the even-more-fun part...Action!
Take action - small or large - daily. Say your desire is a luxurious yacht and you say to me "What can I do to make this happen? I don't even have a rowboat today!" Well, you can walk around the marina, go to a dealer who sells them or look at pictures of yachts. This fuels the fire of your desire.
While I wouldn't call this a 'step', it's important to appreciate what you have as well as what you've had in the past. Be thankful. Express gratitude for what you have and what you're soon going to have. This keeps your mind in the positive state of expectation so that your dream is attracted to you.
Use this process to realize your dreams and, as you experience more dreams fulfilled, you'll grow in confidence - faith in yourself and your process.
Better & Better,
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