In this article, Jose Silva explains some terminology and gives some advice on how to get better results with your programming.
by Jose Silva
One of the biggest problems in our new science is terminology. This is true of any new science: There are no words to explain what we have found.
Freud surely found this when he invented psychology, and he invented terms like the subconscious to help him explain what he found. He re-defined other words, and created new words, like ego, superego, and id, to help him explain his system.
Those words don't mean anything unless you understand his system.
If you accept his ideas, then those terms make sense.
Other pioneers in psychology and related fields created their own words and terms to represent what they were doing. That's why we have peak experiences, the collective unconscious, akashic records, nirvana, heaven,
and all sorts of other terms. They define what somebody felt was important.
Even a simple word like meditation has many different meanings.
One person's meditation is another person's concentration. Some people say that Silva Method graduates are not meditating when we go to level to work on a project, but if we calm our mind, perhaps we'll go into meditation.
What's that again?
Well, that's alright, because we call what we do "dynamic meditation."
If somebody starts talking to you about meditation, you might want to ask them to define the term for you. Then you will have a better idea of what they are talking about.
You can meditate on anything.
*When you meditate on a picture, or on symbols. Calm your mind by concentrating on a picture and you are
*When you meditate on music. Calm your mind while listening to great classical music and you are meditating.
*If you concentrate on a project at your level, you are meditating on that project.
Of course concentration can be tricky too. Comedian Jeff Foxworthy said you may be a "redneck" - a term
embraced by working people who are more comfortable in overalls than a tuxedo - he said you may be a redneck if you sit and stare at a can of frozen orange juice because the label says "concentrate."
"Concentrate" is defined differently when you are speaking of orange juice: it means to reduce the volume by
removing water.
What we mean by concentrate is to direct your thoughts and attention towards one thing only. This will calm your mind and help you achieve an altered state of consciousness and a lower brain frequency.
And there are many different kinds of meditation, determined by the process used, the goals sought, and what
happens when you do it.
For instance, concentrating on a picture, or concentrating on your breath, or concentrating on a word or
phrase and repeating it over and over either mentally or verbally is something that is taught in yoga.
That's different from what we do in the Silva Method, and while it can bring about an altered state of
consciousness, it is not necessarily the same state of consciousness as you achieve when you use the 3 to 1, 10 to 1 method to enter your level.
We use physical and mental relaxation, and countdowns, to enter a state of dynamic meditation. Then you learn how to maintain a light level of meditation even after you activate your mind so that you can go to work to correct problems. This is active meditation, because you can take action to correct problems.
If you prefer, of course, you can use the deepening exercises - countdowns, physical and mental relaxation,
visualizing tranquil and passive scenes - to achieve a deep state of passive meditation. Do this for 15 minutes a day and it will strengthen your immune mechanism and help you in many other ways.
There are other terms that are not always clearly defined, such as prayer.
There are many different definitions - and methods - for prayer.
Here's how I see the process of prayer:
It is the process of making your needs known to higher intelligence, on the "other side," as I like to say. It is
also giving thanks when you receive guidance and help from higher intelligence.
We pray by concentrating on our needs and on making higher intelligence aware of our needs.
The first thing you want to do when working on a project is to concentrate on the project yourself, to meditate on it so that you can solve your own problems.
When you have concentrated and meditated on your project, then it is important to go out and take action.
It is important to use your body as well as your mind.
We want to use both dimensions to correct problems.
When you reach a sticking point and do not know what to do next, then you concentrate on making your needs known to higher intelligence. By doing that, at the correct level, you will receive guidance from the other side to help you continue on with your project.
That guidance might come in the form of an idea, so that you will know what to do next. Again, you must act on that idea to determine if it was actually information from the other side, or only a fantasy that you created with
your imagination.
How do you determine whether the idea came from higher intelligence, or from your own imagination?
By the results that you get.
If the information helps you to correct the problem, then you can take it for granted that it came from higher
intelligence. If it doesn't help you to correct the problem, then it was probably your own idea.
In that case, try again:
Do some more deepening, work some health cases, check with your Silva Method lecturer for guidance - do whatever is necessary for you to learn to get to the correct level where you can communicate successfully with the other side.
On the other hand, the guidance from higher intelligence might come in the form of a "coincidence" in the physical world. This is a sign to guide you as to which way to proceed.
Perhaps someone comes and offers you some help. Maybe you read an article that helps you determine what to do next. Maybe your way is suddenly blocked, and you cannot proceed as you had hoped to. As the lyrics to an old song say, sometimes you ask if you can have something or do something and the answer is No.
Keep in mind that we first attempt to correct problems ourselves. That's what we were sent here to do. Concentrate on correcting the problem yourself first. And when you successfully correct a problem yourself, remember to express your gratitude to higher intelligence for having the ability to correct problems.
When you get stuck, pray for guidance and help in solving the problem. You don't tell higher intelligence to
solve it for you; you concentrate on asking for guidance so that you can go ahead and finish the job yourself.
When you have completed the project, pray again to give thanks for the help that you received. Concentrate on the completed project, and concentrate on conveying your appreciation to higher intelligence for the help that you received.
We have been assigned to do a job here on planet earth, and those who assigned us are there to back us up
and help us when we need help.
They are willing to help us when we need it. That's their assignment. They are not there to do our work for us.
They are not there to give us things just for the sake of having things.
They give us help based on our performance, on what we have done in the past. If you have a solid record of
correcting problems - not just for yourself and your family, but any problems that are given to you - then the
other side will provide you with a lot of help.
Promises to help out in the future don't mean much to our helpers on the other side. Anybody can promise
anything. They go by your record of what you've been doing with what you already have.
If you have demonstrated by your actions that you meet your obligation to help correct problems whenever you
encounter them - even if you do not receive any kind of compensation for doing so - then the other side is eager to help you so that you can continue to fulfill your mission on earth.
During my 82 years on this planet, I have observed that the people who prosper the most are the people who
correct the most problems. But they don't correct problems in order to prosper, they correct problems because that's what human beings were sent here to do.
They are not foolish about it - they have enough common sense to know that they need resources to work with if they are going to correct a lot of problems, so they make their needs known to the other side and get what they need. Then they use what they get to continue to correct problems.
If you mediate on that, at a deep enough level, you will understand. When you understand, you will take action
and become a better problem solver.
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Thank you for joining us, and please be sure to check out all of the excellent resources at to help you continue to get Better, Better, and Better.
Thank you.
The Silva Method, Silva Life System and Silva Intuition Training - sharing these is a joy. It's so uplifting and rewarding to see people learn the skills and techniques, apply them in their lives and increase their fulfillment and happiness. I am privileged to work with Silva Graduates in a coaching relationship.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Why Meditation?
Would you like to have more peace, health, happiness
and abundance in your life?
Have you identified the things that provide or create them?
Are you doing these things yet?
Interesting questions, aren't they.
One of the things that I KNOW brings more peace, health, happiness and abundance is meditation. If you're a Silva Method Graduate, you've heard me (or another instructor) talking about this. You may sort of know that meditation does this but still not spend time regularly experiencing that quiet time...meditation.
Ask yourself "Why?" or "Why not?" What's so hard about taking 10 or 15 minutes a day to sit still, eyes closed, and experience the quiet?
Part of the answer may be that you think you have to DO something to be of value, to be of worth, to be effective and productive. Yet the 'busyness' of doing may actually repel the very things we're desiring and expecting!
But now ask yourself "If I don’t think I'm worthy of taking this time, would Source believe I truly value the things (peace, health, happiness and abundance) that I say I desire? ...things that come through meditation?"
"Does Source believe I desire lowered stress?" "...more income?" " to problems?" "...a better life?" etc.
"By my actions, what am I showing Source I desire?"
Some people feel that spending time in meditation is selfish yet taking care of yourself assures that you have the ability to share more with others. Remember: the more abundance
we have, the more we can share with others...the more time we have to be with family and friends...and the more adventures we may experience.
So let's think about what meditation really is. It's a quiet time, usually with eyes closed.
Seems simple to me. How about you?
But is there more to it? Well, there may be. It depends on what form of meditation you're using as well as what your intentions and expectations are.
Many people meditate to enhance spiritual growth and deepen inner peace.
They listen for the 'still, soft voice' of their Guidance/Source. Ask a question...receive an answer.
By the way, 'voice' may suggest you could be 'hearing voices' like a mentally ill person. Not so. Some people may seem to hear something but it's almost always 'inside their head' not in their ears. Most often, it's a thought or series of thoughts on the same or similar theme.
Some people use this quiet time to 'program' for specific manifestations such as improved health, a life partner, a new other words, a specific outcome.
Other benefits would be managing stress, energize, center and balance the physical, emotional and mental bodies. No matter why you take this quiet time - meditation - you benefit.
I'd like to remind you of the saying “energy flows where attention goes.”
Every time you have a thought - no matter what the topic - you've turned on a magnet that draws it to you. Certainly if you have few thoughts on one topic, it's a very weak magnet. Lots of thoughts means a strong magnetic attraction.
Lots of thoughts on your desired outcome or goal, makes a strong attraction. If your thoughts are fearful, then you're attracting situations which cause you to feel more fear!
Whenever you repeatedly think of the same thing, you're drawing it to you.
Whether you're a Silva Graduate or not, you can take a few minutes, a few times a day, to just sit with your eyes closed. Follow your breath and let your mind grow quieter. Know that on the in-breath you're experiencing healthy energy. On the out-breath, you send out worry,
stress, tension and limiting beliefs. Doing this slows the mind-chatter.
Sitting quietly for 15 minutes, three times a day improves health - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
This can make a powerful
difference in your life...even if all you do is take time to breathe.
Have questions? Email me at
Better & Better,
Barbara Hawkins
attracting wealth,
better and better,
The Silva Method
Monday, October 10, 2011
How To Get Guidance From Spirit and Use It
The following is an article by Jose Silva found in a recent edition of the SIGA Success Strategies online magazine.
....So, based on my own personal experience, and of my observations of thousands of other people, I believe that when we are centered, then we are guided by high intelligence on the other side.
...They send us ideas, when we are at level.
Our job is to recognize the ideas that come from the other side. We must find a way to distinguish those ideas from our own ideas.
A sure way to tell is by noticing the results that you get.
When you are working on a project, you will probably encounter obstacles.
The first time you encounter an obstacle, notice how long it takes you to deal with it.
Then the next obstacle you encounter, how long does it take to deal with it? If it takes twice as long, this might be a sign from the other side that you are going in the wrong direction.
If it takes half as long to solve the problem, then this could be a sign that you are moving in the right direction.
Keep going. When you encounter another obstacle, does it take more time or less time to deal with it?
If the obstacles continue to become more and more difficult, and take longer to remove, then you are probably going in the wrong direction. If you take two steps backward for every one step forward, you are losing ground.
Enter your level. Analyze the project. Figure out what you must do so that you take two steps forward for every one step backward. That is the way most projects go: you encounter a problem, take a step back and then go forward again.
Then do something different.
When you are on the right track, your efforts will be rewarded. When you are going the wrong way, you will encounter more obstacles.
Take the path of least resistance.
During our research, I did not always know why I was doing certain things, or where it would lead. I just continued to meditate, to work hard, and to take the path of least resistance.
I always like "lucky coincidences." What that means to me is that God is helping without showing His hand. Now, however, we can see it all. We know how to get help from high intelligence, and know that we are getting it.
When good things happened during my research, I did more of what I had been doing. When things did not go well, I tried a different path. It paid off then, and that approach still pays off for me today.
That is not to say that you should be quick to quit. Not at all. We have to prove that we are willing to put forth the effort, that we will accept the responsibility that is given to us.
But we don't batter down doors. After you have made a good effort, over a period of time, to open a new door in your life, and the door still won't open, then back up, take a deep breath, enter your level, and look around to see if there is another door.
When you take that one step backwards, you may find a way to take even more than two steps forward before you encounter another problem that you must solve.
Eventually, when you continue to follow the guidance from the other side, you will find that you do not encounter any more obstacles but go straight to your goal.
It does not take a great deal of wisdom to be successful when you follow this procedure. All that you really have to do is to do what you are guided to do.
There was an old joke many years ago. A man went to his doctor with a complaint. The man raised his arm above his head and told the doctor, "Doctor, it hurts when I do that."
The doctor's solution was very simple: "Then don't do that."
If you are having problems in your life, then "don't do that." Enter your level and figure out what you can change. Then make the change, and evaluate the results.
When you find something that makes your life better, then do it.
We all want to be happy.
My experience has taught me that happiness comes from solving problems. That's what we were sent here to do.
When we do it, we will be well rewarded.
So, enter your level, figure out what you should be doing. Then go do it, and notice the results. If you encounter too many obstacles, and they keep getting bigger and more difficult, then enter your level again and figure out something else to try.
When things are going well, and you are receiving rewards and incentives, and you are happy, then you know that you are doing what you were sent here to do, and that is to make this planet a better place to live.
Take it from me: In my 80 years on this planet, I have found that the people who watch out only for themselves might accumulate a lot of things; but the people who work to solve problems feel a lot better about themselves, and are much happier.
Please be sure to check in at our online alumni association clubhouse from time to time - - and take advantage of the resources available there. Thank you.
....So, based on my own personal experience, and of my observations of thousands of other people, I believe that when we are centered, then we are guided by high intelligence on the other side.
...They send us ideas, when we are at level.
Our job is to recognize the ideas that come from the other side. We must find a way to distinguish those ideas from our own ideas.
A sure way to tell is by noticing the results that you get.
When you are working on a project, you will probably encounter obstacles.
The first time you encounter an obstacle, notice how long it takes you to deal with it.
Then the next obstacle you encounter, how long does it take to deal with it? If it takes twice as long, this might be a sign from the other side that you are going in the wrong direction.
If it takes half as long to solve the problem, then this could be a sign that you are moving in the right direction.
Keep going. When you encounter another obstacle, does it take more time or less time to deal with it?
If the obstacles continue to become more and more difficult, and take longer to remove, then you are probably going in the wrong direction. If you take two steps backward for every one step forward, you are losing ground.
Enter your level. Analyze the project. Figure out what you must do so that you take two steps forward for every one step backward. That is the way most projects go: you encounter a problem, take a step back and then go forward again.
Then do something different.
When you are on the right track, your efforts will be rewarded. When you are going the wrong way, you will encounter more obstacles.
Take the path of least resistance.
During our research, I did not always know why I was doing certain things, or where it would lead. I just continued to meditate, to work hard, and to take the path of least resistance.
I always like "lucky coincidences." What that means to me is that God is helping without showing His hand. Now, however, we can see it all. We know how to get help from high intelligence, and know that we are getting it.
When good things happened during my research, I did more of what I had been doing. When things did not go well, I tried a different path. It paid off then, and that approach still pays off for me today.
That is not to say that you should be quick to quit. Not at all. We have to prove that we are willing to put forth the effort, that we will accept the responsibility that is given to us.
But we don't batter down doors. After you have made a good effort, over a period of time, to open a new door in your life, and the door still won't open, then back up, take a deep breath, enter your level, and look around to see if there is another door.
When you take that one step backwards, you may find a way to take even more than two steps forward before you encounter another problem that you must solve.
Eventually, when you continue to follow the guidance from the other side, you will find that you do not encounter any more obstacles but go straight to your goal.
It does not take a great deal of wisdom to be successful when you follow this procedure. All that you really have to do is to do what you are guided to do.
There was an old joke many years ago. A man went to his doctor with a complaint. The man raised his arm above his head and told the doctor, "Doctor, it hurts when I do that."
The doctor's solution was very simple: "Then don't do that."
If you are having problems in your life, then "don't do that." Enter your level and figure out what you can change. Then make the change, and evaluate the results.
When you find something that makes your life better, then do it.
We all want to be happy.
My experience has taught me that happiness comes from solving problems. That's what we were sent here to do.
When we do it, we will be well rewarded.
So, enter your level, figure out what you should be doing. Then go do it, and notice the results. If you encounter too many obstacles, and they keep getting bigger and more difficult, then enter your level again and figure out something else to try.
When things are going well, and you are receiving rewards and incentives, and you are happy, then you know that you are doing what you were sent here to do, and that is to make this planet a better place to live.
Take it from me: In my 80 years on this planet, I have found that the people who watch out only for themselves might accumulate a lot of things; but the people who work to solve problems feel a lot better about themselves, and are much happier.
Please be sure to check in at our online alumni association clubhouse from time to time - - and take advantage of the resources available there. Thank you.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Unique Ways that Human Beings Function
In this article, Jose Silva delves into his research to help us understand the unique ways that human beings function.
by Jose Silva
Here's a short quiz:
Why is your body like a radio?
Because both are communications devices.
Your body radiates energy, called an aura, just as a radio station radiates electromagnetic waves that carry a radio program.
I spent much of my life repairing radios and other electronic equipment. When I began to learn about the human mind and the body's aura, my experience with electronics came in very handy.
It helped me to understand some of the ways that we communicate, ways that most people don't yet fully understand.
Your body is a much more sophisticated communications station than a radio transmitter. You can communicate with:
*The tone and inflection of your voice
*Your eyes
*Your body language
*Your hands
*Your aura
*Your mind
The first six kinds of communication that we've listed here are limited by time and space. People have to be able to hear you or see you, or be within range of your aura.
The seventh kind of communication - your mind and your psychic ability - has no limits, as far as we know. You can communicate with anyone, anywhere, instantly, with your mind.
There are plenty of books and courses to help you with the first five types of communication.
Now, I want to talk about the other two.
The human body radiates seven energy fields. The combined energy fields are called the human aura.
The human aura is modulated by brain activity.
To modulate means to change, to alter in some way.
A radio transmitter transmits a "carrier signal."
The information to be transmitted - the announcer's voice, for instance, or the music being played - is combined with the carrier signal and alters the carrier signal.
The radio that receives this combined signal then strips away the carrier signal and is left with only the information that was added to it.
Your aura is modulated by your brain activity. Your brain is modulated by thoughts. Every thought that you have alters - modulates - your aura.
The objective part of your aura radiates out about eight meters - about 25 feet - from your body. Anyone within that range can detect your aura.
That's why, when a person who is very upset comes into a room, you can "feel" their presence even before you see them or hear them.
You can influence people around you by your own thoughts. If you are happy and at peace, your aura will reflect this, and will tend to influence other people's auras to be happy and peaceful.
The aura energy penetrates both inanimate and animate matter, causing an alteration in matter.
*Inanimate matter retains the alteration.
*Animate matter continues to evolve in an altered state.
There are several different frequencies that the brain operate on:
*Beta, the outer conscious level, which is ideal for taking action in the physical world.
*Alpha, the inner conscious level (formerly the sub-conscious), the strongest, most rhythmic frequency, ideal for thinking.
*Theta, a lower frequency.
*Delta, associated with deep sleep.
Thinking modulates the brain at various frequencies: the beta brain wave frequencies, and also at the lower alpha brain wave frequencies.
*The energy transmitted when thought modulates the brain at the beta frequency is limited by distance. This energy, a physical energy, can be used either to help or to harm. It can attract animate matter back to normal, or force matter into an abnormal condition.
This is what happens when a psychic bends a spoon: The normal is changed to the abnormal, through the use of the physical part of the body's aura radiation. That's why we don't teach or practice spoon bending in the Silva Method; we prefer to change the abnormal to the normal.
*When thoughts modulate the brain at the alpha frequency, then distance is no barrier. When doing this, you can help, but you cannot harm. You can change the abnormal back to the normal, but you cannot change the normal to the abnormal with this subjective, spiritual (non-physical) energy.
It takes physical energy to cause physical harm, to change the normal to the abnormal. Physical energy works by repulsion.
Spiritual energy cannot exert force against physics. Spiritual energy can only work through attraction. It attracts animate matter to return to a normal condition, to conform to the original spiritual blueprint for that particular object.
The modulation is stronger when thought is accompanied by imagination.
The most effective programming is done when thought, accompanied by imagination, modulates the brain at the alpha level, where there is the most energy, and where distance is no barrier.
The human aura is made up of seven fields of energy:
The first is spiritual, the genetic, which is controlled 99 percent by the "other side," from the
spiritual dimension. The next three: sub-atomic, atomic, and part of the molecular, are controlled from the right brain hemisphere. However, the molecular evolves into the physical, and is partially controlled by the left brain hemisphere.
The final three: cells, organs, and organ systems, are controlled from the left brain hemisphere.
In order to live a normal life, the way God intended, we must learn to control the energy fields correctly, that is, we must use the right brain hemisphere appropriately.
Most people, approximately 90 percent, cannot use their right brain hemisphere to think with.
In the Silva Method, everyone learns, with just a few hours of training, how to think with their right brain hemisphere, at the alpha level, and then take action at the beta brain wave level, using the left brain hemisphere.
Once you have access to both sides of your brain, and you have learned how to activate your mind while remaining at the alpha level, then you have tremendous programming capability.
Your thoughts will modulate your aura, so that everyone around you is influenced in a positive direction. This will make your life much easier.
And you are also able to project your thoughts great distances, through the use of the right brain hemisphere, so that you can influence people and events that are not in your physical presence.
Your aura is automatically influencing people around you, whether you know it or not.
The question is: What kind of influence is it?
What kind of people do you attract into your life?
This can give you an idea of what kind of message you are putting out through your aura.
A big portion of the attraction between male and female comes through the aura.
Have you ever met a person of the opposite sex and immediately felt attracted to them, even though at first glance they would not seem to be your type? This happens to most people. It is the influence of the aura.
When you meet the right person, you know it immediately, because of the way you feel. This is the
influence of the two auras coming together in a certain way.
Once the boy and girl start dating each other, their auras begin a process of trying to alter the other person's aura. Eventually, both are altered a certain amount, until they are equal and in harmony with each other.
That's why it is important for couples to stay physically close to each other. They should sleep in the same bed.
If one person starts seeing another person, then their aura changes, and it is no longer in complete harmony with their original partner's aura. Then the original partners grow apart.
When you learn to function at the alpha level with the Silva Method techniques, you become more sensitive both at detecting information that can affect your life, and in programming to correct problems.
Unfortunately, 90 percent of the people on the planet live their lives more by chance than by choice. They hope that good things happen to them, but all too often they don't.
People who use both brain hemispheres have the ability to take greater control over their own lives, and to be healthier, happier, and more successful.
If you are not one of the fortunate ten percent who are "naturals," you need not despair. Simply take the Silva Method training and practice the techniques and you will be able to do all that the naturals can do...and probably even more.
It is how God intended us to live - using all of the equipment that we were given, using both brain hemispheres, using both the beta and the alpha levels consciously, to detect information and to correct problems.
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Please be sure to check in at our online alumni association clubhouse from time to time - - and take advantage of the resources available there. Thank you.
by Jose Silva
Here's a short quiz:
Why is your body like a radio?
Because both are communications devices.
Your body radiates energy, called an aura, just as a radio station radiates electromagnetic waves that carry a radio program.
I spent much of my life repairing radios and other electronic equipment. When I began to learn about the human mind and the body's aura, my experience with electronics came in very handy.
It helped me to understand some of the ways that we communicate, ways that most people don't yet fully understand.
Your body is a much more sophisticated communications station than a radio transmitter. You can communicate with:
*The tone and inflection of your voice
*Your eyes
*Your body language
*Your hands
*Your aura
*Your mind
The first six kinds of communication that we've listed here are limited by time and space. People have to be able to hear you or see you, or be within range of your aura.
The seventh kind of communication - your mind and your psychic ability - has no limits, as far as we know. You can communicate with anyone, anywhere, instantly, with your mind.
There are plenty of books and courses to help you with the first five types of communication.
Now, I want to talk about the other two.
The human body radiates seven energy fields. The combined energy fields are called the human aura.
The human aura is modulated by brain activity.
To modulate means to change, to alter in some way.
A radio transmitter transmits a "carrier signal."
The information to be transmitted - the announcer's voice, for instance, or the music being played - is combined with the carrier signal and alters the carrier signal.
The radio that receives this combined signal then strips away the carrier signal and is left with only the information that was added to it.
Your aura is modulated by your brain activity. Your brain is modulated by thoughts. Every thought that you have alters - modulates - your aura.
The objective part of your aura radiates out about eight meters - about 25 feet - from your body. Anyone within that range can detect your aura.
That's why, when a person who is very upset comes into a room, you can "feel" their presence even before you see them or hear them.
You can influence people around you by your own thoughts. If you are happy and at peace, your aura will reflect this, and will tend to influence other people's auras to be happy and peaceful.
The aura energy penetrates both inanimate and animate matter, causing an alteration in matter.
*Inanimate matter retains the alteration.
*Animate matter continues to evolve in an altered state.
There are several different frequencies that the brain operate on:
*Beta, the outer conscious level, which is ideal for taking action in the physical world.
*Alpha, the inner conscious level (formerly the sub-conscious), the strongest, most rhythmic frequency, ideal for thinking.
*Theta, a lower frequency.
*Delta, associated with deep sleep.
Thinking modulates the brain at various frequencies: the beta brain wave frequencies, and also at the lower alpha brain wave frequencies.
*The energy transmitted when thought modulates the brain at the beta frequency is limited by distance. This energy, a physical energy, can be used either to help or to harm. It can attract animate matter back to normal, or force matter into an abnormal condition.
This is what happens when a psychic bends a spoon: The normal is changed to the abnormal, through the use of the physical part of the body's aura radiation. That's why we don't teach or practice spoon bending in the Silva Method; we prefer to change the abnormal to the normal.
*When thoughts modulate the brain at the alpha frequency, then distance is no barrier. When doing this, you can help, but you cannot harm. You can change the abnormal back to the normal, but you cannot change the normal to the abnormal with this subjective, spiritual (non-physical) energy.
It takes physical energy to cause physical harm, to change the normal to the abnormal. Physical energy works by repulsion.
Spiritual energy cannot exert force against physics. Spiritual energy can only work through attraction. It attracts animate matter to return to a normal condition, to conform to the original spiritual blueprint for that particular object.
The modulation is stronger when thought is accompanied by imagination.
The most effective programming is done when thought, accompanied by imagination, modulates the brain at the alpha level, where there is the most energy, and where distance is no barrier.
The human aura is made up of seven fields of energy:
The first is spiritual, the genetic, which is controlled 99 percent by the "other side," from the
spiritual dimension. The next three: sub-atomic, atomic, and part of the molecular, are controlled from the right brain hemisphere. However, the molecular evolves into the physical, and is partially controlled by the left brain hemisphere.
The final three: cells, organs, and organ systems, are controlled from the left brain hemisphere.
In order to live a normal life, the way God intended, we must learn to control the energy fields correctly, that is, we must use the right brain hemisphere appropriately.
Most people, approximately 90 percent, cannot use their right brain hemisphere to think with.
In the Silva Method, everyone learns, with just a few hours of training, how to think with their right brain hemisphere, at the alpha level, and then take action at the beta brain wave level, using the left brain hemisphere.
Once you have access to both sides of your brain, and you have learned how to activate your mind while remaining at the alpha level, then you have tremendous programming capability.
Your thoughts will modulate your aura, so that everyone around you is influenced in a positive direction. This will make your life much easier.
And you are also able to project your thoughts great distances, through the use of the right brain hemisphere, so that you can influence people and events that are not in your physical presence.
Your aura is automatically influencing people around you, whether you know it or not.
The question is: What kind of influence is it?
What kind of people do you attract into your life?
This can give you an idea of what kind of message you are putting out through your aura.
A big portion of the attraction between male and female comes through the aura.
Have you ever met a person of the opposite sex and immediately felt attracted to them, even though at first glance they would not seem to be your type? This happens to most people. It is the influence of the aura.
When you meet the right person, you know it immediately, because of the way you feel. This is the
influence of the two auras coming together in a certain way.
Once the boy and girl start dating each other, their auras begin a process of trying to alter the other person's aura. Eventually, both are altered a certain amount, until they are equal and in harmony with each other.
That's why it is important for couples to stay physically close to each other. They should sleep in the same bed.
If one person starts seeing another person, then their aura changes, and it is no longer in complete harmony with their original partner's aura. Then the original partners grow apart.
When you learn to function at the alpha level with the Silva Method techniques, you become more sensitive both at detecting information that can affect your life, and in programming to correct problems.
Unfortunately, 90 percent of the people on the planet live their lives more by chance than by choice. They hope that good things happen to them, but all too often they don't.
People who use both brain hemispheres have the ability to take greater control over their own lives, and to be healthier, happier, and more successful.
If you are not one of the fortunate ten percent who are "naturals," you need not despair. Simply take the Silva Method training and practice the techniques and you will be able to do all that the naturals can do...and probably even more.
It is how God intended us to live - using all of the equipment that we were given, using both brain hemispheres, using both the beta and the alpha levels consciously, to detect information and to correct problems.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011
How to Keep Awake During Meditation
It never fails to come up in classes: "How do I stay awake?"
Well, I have more than one answer .... this video addresses one of them.
What if this isn't enough?
Contact me at for more information.
Well, I have more than one answer .... this video addresses one of them.
What if this isn't enough?
Contact me at for more information.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Jose Silva on Mind, Brain
Human Intelligence is what some people call Soul or Spirit.
Mind - a faculty of Human Intelligence (Soul or Spirit)
notice how he diferentiates between the two
Brain - a biological computer which can be programmed!
vibration, frequency which can be measured
This tells us the modulation of Mind/Brain.
You may choose to listen to this one more than once. Enjoy!
Mind - a faculty of Human Intelligence (Soul or Spirit)
notice how he diferentiates between the two
Brain - a biological computer which can be programmed!
vibration, frequency which can be measured
This tells us the modulation of Mind/Brain.
You may choose to listen to this one more than once. Enjoy!
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