By Jose Silva
During my 82 years on this planet, I've learned that the only thing that's permanent in life is the legacy that you leave.
The radios that I learned to repair as a teenager are now antiques that are nice to look at but have no practical value today. When is the last time you saw a vacuum tube?
I've traveled all over the world presenting the Silva Method. I've seen the ancient ruins in Rome, that were once part of the greatest empire the world has ever known. They remind me of a story I once heard about a ruler who presided over a great city.
Archaeologists found the ruins of this city that had once been so great, and among the ruins they found a portion of the base of a statue.
The statue had been of the great ruler. All that was left was part of the inscription, which read: Here lies Ozymandeus, King of Kings. Look on these works, ye mighty, and despair.
The irony was that he had intended that they could never create anything so great as he had, but in reality, he demonstrated that nothing is so great that it will last forever.
Except the legacy that you leave.
Everybody leaves a legacy:
*World leaders who must carefully watch every word that they utter have an obvious impact on the world.
*Every child that is born produces a powerful effect on the parents and grandparents and perhaps many others. If you've ever had a child, or a grandchild, or even a great grandchild as I have, then you know that this changes you.
*You never know what small action of yours might bring about a big change. The psychiatrist in the Army induction center probably never even remembered that he suggested that I read The History of Psychiatry, but that one bit of guidance started me on the path that led to the Silva Method, which has now helped millions of people throughout the world.
Sometimes a tiny kindness has a ripple effect that grows as it goes forward, until it makes a huge difference.
Sometimes a mean gesture also has a ripple effect that winds up hurting many people.
You never know, at the time, what the effect will be.
Think about some of the people in your life: people who gave you a word of encouragement that you still remember; people who were indifferent, or even cruel. They might not even remember it.
But you remember it. And perhaps it influences your life:
*You pass on the kind gesture to others, who in turn pass on that gesture.
*Your hurt and resentment cause you to say or do things you don't really mean, and people learn from your example.
Long after we are all gone, long after the great cities of today have crumbled, long after our modern technology is rendered obsolete, long after our greatest leaders are just names that students read in history books, your legacy will still live.
It will live in the lives of people who follow us. The things that you do spread out, and give you a type of immortality.
Here is a formula that I included in the Silva Method, that will help insure that you leave a positive legacy:
You will continue to strive to take part in constructive and creative activities to make this a better world to live in, so that when we move on, we shall have left behind a better world for those who follow.
You will consider the whole of humanity, depending on their ages, as fathers or mothers, brothers or sisters, sons or daughters.
You are a superior human being; you have greater understanding, compassion, and patience with others.
What kind of legacy do you want to leave?
Someone once suggested that you do every act as if it would be your last. How do you want to be remembered?
Go to level. Think about your life at the alpha level, the ideal level to think on. Plan what you are going to do with your life, so as to leave a legacy that you can be proud of.
--- --- ---
Thank you for continuing to read Jose Silva's comments in the SIGA Success Strategies Magazine. Please remember to visit the SIGA clubhouse occasionally at We are always open, and you are always welcome.
The Silva Method, Silva Life System and Silva Intuition Training - sharing these is a joy. It's so uplifting and rewarding to see people learn the skills and techniques, apply them in their lives and increase their fulfillment and happiness. I am privileged to work with Silva Graduates in a coaching relationship.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
What If You Didn't Understand Your Answer?
In meditation (or prayer) you've asked a question to obtain guidance from Spirit.
You don't understand the answer or feel you didn't get an answer. What now?
First let's look at the most important part of your answer...the question: The quality of the answer is determined by the quality of the question.
Sometimes what we're really asking is "How can I make this pain stop?" That will get a vague response.
How can you ask a better question? phrase the question differently?
Spend time considering your situation in detail. Yes, it will most likely be an uncomfortable process but it provides the clarity you need. THEN create the question.
"Should I do this?" is a poor question.
Hint: if the question starts "Should I..." it's probably looking for a way to stop pain instead of getting guidance!
How can it be improved? One suggestion might be "If I do this, will it move me further along the path of my life purpose?"
Bottom line: give yourself the opportunity to really think about the situation before posing the question.
Next, when in your meditation, make sure you're at that perfect place where you know you're successful at getting guidance. Some people call it "being in the groove".
Perhaps you need to go deeper. How? One of the simplest ways is to count downward from 100 to 1...any number down to 1 will do. There's something about counting down that causes almost anybody to relax.
Then, assume your answer is coming at any moment. All you have to do is be 'on the alert' for it.
In Silva classes we often talk about this when discussing use of The Glass of Water technique yet it's true virtually all the time. We ask questions, look for Guidance, on a regular basis.
Bottom line: what we look for, we find. This applies to answers, ideas, opportunities...everything! Keep your eyes focused on what you desire and you'll see it.
Barbara Hawkins
In meditation (or prayer) you've asked a question to obtain guidance from Spirit.
You don't understand the answer or feel you didn't get an answer. What now?
First let's look at the most important part of your answer...the question: The quality of the answer is determined by the quality of the question.
Sometimes what we're really asking is "How can I make this pain stop?" That will get a vague response.
How can you ask a better question? phrase the question differently?
Spend time considering your situation in detail. Yes, it will most likely be an uncomfortable process but it provides the clarity you need. THEN create the question.
"Should I do this?" is a poor question.
Hint: if the question starts "Should I..." it's probably looking for a way to stop pain instead of getting guidance!
How can it be improved? One suggestion might be "If I do this, will it move me further along the path of my life purpose?"
Bottom line: give yourself the opportunity to really think about the situation before posing the question.
Next, when in your meditation, make sure you're at that perfect place where you know you're successful at getting guidance. Some people call it "being in the groove".
Perhaps you need to go deeper. How? One of the simplest ways is to count downward from 100 to 1...any number down to 1 will do. There's something about counting down that causes almost anybody to relax.
Then, assume your answer is coming at any moment. All you have to do is be 'on the alert' for it.
In Silva classes we often talk about this when discussing use of The Glass of Water technique yet it's true virtually all the time. We ask questions, look for Guidance, on a regular basis.
Bottom line: what we look for, we find. This applies to answers, ideas, opportunities...everything! Keep your eyes focused on what you desire and you'll see it.
Barbara Hawkins
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Jose Silva on Religion
In this article, Jose Silva gets a little controversial. He would always remind people that he was expressing his personal opinions when he gave these comments.
As always, you are free to accept them or reject them - or to "mentally shelve" them for now, and come back to them later on when you have more experience and information.
By Jose Silva
This column will not be popular with some people. I've been advised not to talk about politics and religion. Well, I'll meet them halfway - I won't talk about politics.
Why talk about religion? Because we hope that this will get you to examine your beliefs, to analyze why you
believe what you believe.
Throughout history we have seen that virtually every religion insists that their followers accept their doctrines. Some religions become very violent if you do not accept their doctrines - sometimes they become violent if you only question them. Unfortunately, we have experienced that personally.
But we are not the first to face this kind of arrogance and fear. Yes, fear. History has shown us that some religious leaders are so afraid of being proven wrong that they will even kill those who dare to challenge their
Take Galileo for instance. More than 300 years ago, he confirmed what Copernicus had figured out: That the sun and stars and planets do not revolve around the earth; it is just the opposite: the earth and planets revolve around the sun.
That was unacceptable to the Catholic church. Their insisted that since man was made in the image of God, it
had to follow that everything revolved around man -- that man was at the center of the universe.
This was not their first mistake, of course. For centuries everybody agreed that the earth was flat. Wrong.
In Galileo's case, his discovery proved to be very painful. He verified Copernicus' explanation of why some planets - like Mercury - seem to stop and back up from time to time. But they only appear to back up - which would be a physical impossibility of course - if you think that they revolve around the earth. Once you realize that they revolve around the sun - as does the earth - then you realize that they all keep going the same direction all the time.
But the church didn't like their teachings being challenged. After all, according to them they got their messages directly from God. So church officials took him into custody and tortured him until he recanted, and agreed to agree with them that everything revolved around man.
A few years ago, the Catholic church officially apologized to Galileo - three centuries too late to make any difference to him, and a feeble gesture that could never erase the horrible pain that they inflicted upon him.
We could give many more examples besides these two, to illustrate the mistakes that people made in times past. Even religion has evolved through the years. We have moved from human and animal sacrifices, and from worshiping animals and idols, into the multitude of religions that we have in the world today.
Yet for all of that religious evolution, there is still no universal agreement.
All religions believe that they have the answer, and that others are wrong.
And unfortunately, most of those religious seem to be willing to fight to the death for their beliefs!
They are very quick to destroy the highest creation of the Creator in the name of the very Creator that created
that creation - and we're talking about human beings, of course.
*Catholics and Christians are killing each other in Northern Ireland.
*Arab and Jewish children are taught to hate and kill each other.
*Hindus and Moslems and Sikhs and other religions are not exempt from this tendency to hate their rivals.
Just as Christians say that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ, most other religions can point to
their scriptures - the divine messages that they believe that they get from God - to prove that their way is the
only way!
Could they all be right?
Could be.
Might they all be wrong?
Could be.
Is it possible that there is some truth in every religion, but that no religion has the complete answer?
Could be.
By now you have probably figured out that when I say could be, it is because I know that we don't know all of
the answers yet.
Doesn't it seem terribly arrogant for anyone - preacher or priest or philosopher or scientist or anybody
else - to insist that they have all the answers, and refuse to listen to anybody else?
Scientists like Copernicus and Galileo, as well as explorers like Columbus, have expanded our knowledge far
beyond what religious leaders and scientists of the day accepted as proven knowledge.
And they are still doing it.
We have put together a scientifically researched and proven program to help people actually use parts of their minds that they have never consciously used before, to help correct problems and make the world a better place to live.
During our research in the 1950s and 1960s we were criticized - and yes, even condemned and threatened with excommunication - for daring to ask questions!
What were they afraid of?
What did we do that threatened them so badly that they were willing to go to all the trouble to call me in to
consider kicking me out of the church?
Are they afraid of the truth?
Or are they afraid of losing some of their power of people if they are shown to be wrong about something?
Is it God who governs people, or is those who claim to represent God - the human beings who choose to take on the role of representing God?
Would an all-powerful God worry about a man - who was created by that God - assuming so much power that it would threaten the position of God? On the other hand, what about men - "mere mortals" as they say - who fear losing their tremendous power over people, a power they hold because they tell us from birth that they represent God and that we will suffer forever in a fiery hell if we fail to do everything they tell us to do?
Is God running scared - or the men who claim to represent him?
I had thought that this was all in the past. The Bible says, "By their fruits ye shall know them." If a tree bears
good fruit, the Bible says, then it is a good tree.
For more than half a century we have been producing good fruit from the research that we began in 1944. But
that doesn't stop religious leaders from panicking when I question one of their claims.
They point to the Bible and say that I have no right to question it.
I point to the fact that the Bible was written by men, often long after the events took place.
And then the Bible was translated into other languages - again, by men.
And then various versions were written, to satisfy the needs and wishes of various people - like King James, who wanted permission to get a divorce. A version, in case you don't know, is defined by the dictionary as a variation of the original. That means that it is different from the original.
And I also point out that they men who wrote the original, and men who wrote the translations, and the men
who wrote the variations, and the men who translated the variations - all of these men lived in times when we didn't know very much about what was going on:
*Those men thought the earth was flat.
*Those men thought that the sun and stars and planets all revolved around the earth.
*Those men thought that natural disasters represented the wrath of God.
*Those men thought - and apparently many religious leaders still believe - that the Creator will approve of
our destruction of other human beings because they do not believe the same things that we believe!
And I ask this question:
If those men were wrong about so many other things, is it possible that they might also be wrong about some of the things that they wrote - or translated - in the Bible?
The Bible - and the other sacred books, such as the Bhagavad Gita, the Koran, the Book of Mormon, the Talmud, and others - were not written by God; they were written by men.
Were the men inspired by God?
Could be.
Even if they were inspired by God, we know, from our scientific research, that even the best clairvoyants only
average 80 percent accuracy.
Even though we know much more today than we ever knew before, we still know that at least 20 percent of what we think we know is wrong!
Is it worth fighting for every last word in the translation of the variation of the translation of the Bible that happens to be popular today?
Or we so sure that there are no errors, no mistakes, no misrepresentation, no misunderstandings, and no outright propaganda and lies inserted by someone for their own selfish purposes? Can we be sure of that?
Or should we be tolerant with one another.
Should we be patient with each other, and explore together to find out what will help us to solve more problems, and to make the world a better place to live?
Isn't it interesting that those who believe in devils, find devils everywhere they look for them?
We explain, at the beginning of the Silva Method Basic Lecture Series, how that happens - go back and review Mental Housecleaning.
People who believe in God - and do not believe that there is any such thing as the devil - find God everywhere.
In the Bible, we read many stories about Jesus practicing tolerance. "Let he who is without sin cast the
first stone." "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do."
We also read stories about the religious leaders of the day accusing Jesus of being in league with the devil. They rationalized that the only way a person could be so good at casting out devils, was if he was in league with
the devil.
It seems to me that times never change, for religious leaders have accused me in the same manner!
Well, at least we're in good company; while we in no way believe that we are as highly evolved as Jesus, we
don't mind being compared with Him. It makes us believe that we might be on the right track, that we must be moving in the correct direction.
We don't want to go too far in that direction, though. Remember - they crucified Jesus!
Well, we've gotten that off our chest. These ideas will surely be unpopular with some people. They will surely
rationalize and find ways to condemn me for expressing my feelings.
But ask yourself: Throughout history, what kind of people have refused to tolerate people thinking for
themselves? Dictators. Despots. Bigots. Totalitarians.
What kind of people welcome questions and new ideas? The constructive and creative people who lift humanity to new heights, who lead us to a better future, who do not cause suffering but who relieve suffering, who do not kill other human beings but who save the lives of human beings.
So ask yourself why you believe what you believe.
Does it make sense? Someone once said that there is nothing less common than common sense. What does common sense tell you?
Is it worth sacrificing all of the good work that a person has done because that person questions whether Jesus claimed to be God? After all, Jesus taught us to pray, "Our father..." He seems to be saying that He was one of us.
But even if this is wrong, why would religious leaders fear the question so much? Do they think that God cannot handle it?
Or do they fear that people might begin to question some of the demands that are place on them by these men who claim to represent God? Do they fear the loss of their power over people?
Which is more valuable:
*That religious leaders maintain their power over people, so that they can -- hopefully - keep people in
*That we continue to ask questions, to search for the real truth, even if that means that we have to stop
believing that man is at the center of the universe and the sun and stars and planets all revolve around him.
We staked out our territory a long time ago: We'll keep searching for truth, and we will continue to do
anything that helps to correct problems and make the world a better place to live.
And if they crucify us for doing that - if we must drink the cup - then so be it.
--- --- ---
Thank you for joining us for this edition of the SIGA Success Strategies Magazine. Please stop by and visit us occasionally at the clubhouse: And please be sure to take advantage of the many resources we've put together for you.
Thank you.
Avlis Productions Inc., P.O. Box 691809, Houston, TX 77269, United States
As always, you are free to accept them or reject them - or to "mentally shelve" them for now, and come back to them later on when you have more experience and information.
By Jose Silva
This column will not be popular with some people. I've been advised not to talk about politics and religion. Well, I'll meet them halfway - I won't talk about politics.
Why talk about religion? Because we hope that this will get you to examine your beliefs, to analyze why you
believe what you believe.
Throughout history we have seen that virtually every religion insists that their followers accept their doctrines. Some religions become very violent if you do not accept their doctrines - sometimes they become violent if you only question them. Unfortunately, we have experienced that personally.
But we are not the first to face this kind of arrogance and fear. Yes, fear. History has shown us that some religious leaders are so afraid of being proven wrong that they will even kill those who dare to challenge their
Take Galileo for instance. More than 300 years ago, he confirmed what Copernicus had figured out: That the sun and stars and planets do not revolve around the earth; it is just the opposite: the earth and planets revolve around the sun.
That was unacceptable to the Catholic church. Their insisted that since man was made in the image of God, it
had to follow that everything revolved around man -- that man was at the center of the universe.
This was not their first mistake, of course. For centuries everybody agreed that the earth was flat. Wrong.
In Galileo's case, his discovery proved to be very painful. He verified Copernicus' explanation of why some planets - like Mercury - seem to stop and back up from time to time. But they only appear to back up - which would be a physical impossibility of course - if you think that they revolve around the earth. Once you realize that they revolve around the sun - as does the earth - then you realize that they all keep going the same direction all the time.
But the church didn't like their teachings being challenged. After all, according to them they got their messages directly from God. So church officials took him into custody and tortured him until he recanted, and agreed to agree with them that everything revolved around man.
A few years ago, the Catholic church officially apologized to Galileo - three centuries too late to make any difference to him, and a feeble gesture that could never erase the horrible pain that they inflicted upon him.
We could give many more examples besides these two, to illustrate the mistakes that people made in times past. Even religion has evolved through the years. We have moved from human and animal sacrifices, and from worshiping animals and idols, into the multitude of religions that we have in the world today.
Yet for all of that religious evolution, there is still no universal agreement.
All religions believe that they have the answer, and that others are wrong.
And unfortunately, most of those religious seem to be willing to fight to the death for their beliefs!
They are very quick to destroy the highest creation of the Creator in the name of the very Creator that created
that creation - and we're talking about human beings, of course.
*Catholics and Christians are killing each other in Northern Ireland.
*Arab and Jewish children are taught to hate and kill each other.
*Hindus and Moslems and Sikhs and other religions are not exempt from this tendency to hate their rivals.
Just as Christians say that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ, most other religions can point to
their scriptures - the divine messages that they believe that they get from God - to prove that their way is the
only way!
Could they all be right?
Could be.
Might they all be wrong?
Could be.
Is it possible that there is some truth in every religion, but that no religion has the complete answer?
Could be.
By now you have probably figured out that when I say could be, it is because I know that we don't know all of
the answers yet.
Doesn't it seem terribly arrogant for anyone - preacher or priest or philosopher or scientist or anybody
else - to insist that they have all the answers, and refuse to listen to anybody else?
Scientists like Copernicus and Galileo, as well as explorers like Columbus, have expanded our knowledge far
beyond what religious leaders and scientists of the day accepted as proven knowledge.
And they are still doing it.
We have put together a scientifically researched and proven program to help people actually use parts of their minds that they have never consciously used before, to help correct problems and make the world a better place to live.
During our research in the 1950s and 1960s we were criticized - and yes, even condemned and threatened with excommunication - for daring to ask questions!
What were they afraid of?
What did we do that threatened them so badly that they were willing to go to all the trouble to call me in to
consider kicking me out of the church?
Are they afraid of the truth?
Or are they afraid of losing some of their power of people if they are shown to be wrong about something?
Is it God who governs people, or is those who claim to represent God - the human beings who choose to take on the role of representing God?
Would an all-powerful God worry about a man - who was created by that God - assuming so much power that it would threaten the position of God? On the other hand, what about men - "mere mortals" as they say - who fear losing their tremendous power over people, a power they hold because they tell us from birth that they represent God and that we will suffer forever in a fiery hell if we fail to do everything they tell us to do?
Is God running scared - or the men who claim to represent him?
I had thought that this was all in the past. The Bible says, "By their fruits ye shall know them." If a tree bears
good fruit, the Bible says, then it is a good tree.
For more than half a century we have been producing good fruit from the research that we began in 1944. But
that doesn't stop religious leaders from panicking when I question one of their claims.
They point to the Bible and say that I have no right to question it.
I point to the fact that the Bible was written by men, often long after the events took place.
And then the Bible was translated into other languages - again, by men.
And then various versions were written, to satisfy the needs and wishes of various people - like King James, who wanted permission to get a divorce. A version, in case you don't know, is defined by the dictionary as a variation of the original. That means that it is different from the original.
And I also point out that they men who wrote the original, and men who wrote the translations, and the men
who wrote the variations, and the men who translated the variations - all of these men lived in times when we didn't know very much about what was going on:
*Those men thought the earth was flat.
*Those men thought that the sun and stars and planets all revolved around the earth.
*Those men thought that natural disasters represented the wrath of God.
*Those men thought - and apparently many religious leaders still believe - that the Creator will approve of
our destruction of other human beings because they do not believe the same things that we believe!
And I ask this question:
If those men were wrong about so many other things, is it possible that they might also be wrong about some of the things that they wrote - or translated - in the Bible?
The Bible - and the other sacred books, such as the Bhagavad Gita, the Koran, the Book of Mormon, the Talmud, and others - were not written by God; they were written by men.
Were the men inspired by God?
Could be.
Even if they were inspired by God, we know, from our scientific research, that even the best clairvoyants only
average 80 percent accuracy.
Even though we know much more today than we ever knew before, we still know that at least 20 percent of what we think we know is wrong!
Is it worth fighting for every last word in the translation of the variation of the translation of the Bible that happens to be popular today?
Or we so sure that there are no errors, no mistakes, no misrepresentation, no misunderstandings, and no outright propaganda and lies inserted by someone for their own selfish purposes? Can we be sure of that?
Or should we be tolerant with one another.
Should we be patient with each other, and explore together to find out what will help us to solve more problems, and to make the world a better place to live?
Isn't it interesting that those who believe in devils, find devils everywhere they look for them?
We explain, at the beginning of the Silva Method Basic Lecture Series, how that happens - go back and review Mental Housecleaning.
People who believe in God - and do not believe that there is any such thing as the devil - find God everywhere.
In the Bible, we read many stories about Jesus practicing tolerance. "Let he who is without sin cast the
first stone." "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do."
We also read stories about the religious leaders of the day accusing Jesus of being in league with the devil. They rationalized that the only way a person could be so good at casting out devils, was if he was in league with
the devil.
It seems to me that times never change, for religious leaders have accused me in the same manner!
Well, at least we're in good company; while we in no way believe that we are as highly evolved as Jesus, we
don't mind being compared with Him. It makes us believe that we might be on the right track, that we must be moving in the correct direction.
We don't want to go too far in that direction, though. Remember - they crucified Jesus!
Well, we've gotten that off our chest. These ideas will surely be unpopular with some people. They will surely
rationalize and find ways to condemn me for expressing my feelings.
But ask yourself: Throughout history, what kind of people have refused to tolerate people thinking for
themselves? Dictators. Despots. Bigots. Totalitarians.
What kind of people welcome questions and new ideas? The constructive and creative people who lift humanity to new heights, who lead us to a better future, who do not cause suffering but who relieve suffering, who do not kill other human beings but who save the lives of human beings.
So ask yourself why you believe what you believe.
Does it make sense? Someone once said that there is nothing less common than common sense. What does common sense tell you?
Is it worth sacrificing all of the good work that a person has done because that person questions whether Jesus claimed to be God? After all, Jesus taught us to pray, "Our father..." He seems to be saying that He was one of us.
But even if this is wrong, why would religious leaders fear the question so much? Do they think that God cannot handle it?
Or do they fear that people might begin to question some of the demands that are place on them by these men who claim to represent God? Do they fear the loss of their power over people?
Which is more valuable:
*That religious leaders maintain their power over people, so that they can -- hopefully - keep people in
*That we continue to ask questions, to search for the real truth, even if that means that we have to stop
believing that man is at the center of the universe and the sun and stars and planets all revolve around him.
We staked out our territory a long time ago: We'll keep searching for truth, and we will continue to do
anything that helps to correct problems and make the world a better place to live.
And if they crucify us for doing that - if we must drink the cup - then so be it.
--- --- ---
Thank you for joining us for this edition of the SIGA Success Strategies Magazine. Please stop by and visit us occasionally at the clubhouse: And please be sure to take advantage of the many resources we've put together for you.
Thank you.
Avlis Productions Inc., P.O. Box 691809, Houston, TX 77269, United States
Sunday, October 16, 2011
How To Get Better Results With Your Programming
In this article, Jose Silva explains some terminology and gives some advice on how to get better results with your programming.
by Jose Silva
One of the biggest problems in our new science is terminology. This is true of any new science: There are no words to explain what we have found.
Freud surely found this when he invented psychology, and he invented terms like the subconscious to help him explain what he found. He re-defined other words, and created new words, like ego, superego, and id, to help him explain his system.
Those words don't mean anything unless you understand his system.
If you accept his ideas, then those terms make sense.
Other pioneers in psychology and related fields created their own words and terms to represent what they were doing. That's why we have peak experiences, the collective unconscious, akashic records, nirvana, heaven,
and all sorts of other terms. They define what somebody felt was important.
Even a simple word like meditation has many different meanings.
One person's meditation is another person's concentration. Some people say that Silva Method graduates are not meditating when we go to level to work on a project, but if we calm our mind, perhaps we'll go into meditation.
What's that again?
Well, that's alright, because we call what we do "dynamic meditation."
If somebody starts talking to you about meditation, you might want to ask them to define the term for you. Then you will have a better idea of what they are talking about.
You can meditate on anything.
*When you meditate on a picture, or on symbols. Calm your mind by concentrating on a picture and you are
*When you meditate on music. Calm your mind while listening to great classical music and you are meditating.
*If you concentrate on a project at your level, you are meditating on that project.
Of course concentration can be tricky too. Comedian Jeff Foxworthy said you may be a "redneck" - a term
embraced by working people who are more comfortable in overalls than a tuxedo - he said you may be a redneck if you sit and stare at a can of frozen orange juice because the label says "concentrate."
"Concentrate" is defined differently when you are speaking of orange juice: it means to reduce the volume by
removing water.
What we mean by concentrate is to direct your thoughts and attention towards one thing only. This will calm your mind and help you achieve an altered state of consciousness and a lower brain frequency.
And there are many different kinds of meditation, determined by the process used, the goals sought, and what
happens when you do it.
For instance, concentrating on a picture, or concentrating on your breath, or concentrating on a word or
phrase and repeating it over and over either mentally or verbally is something that is taught in yoga.
That's different from what we do in the Silva Method, and while it can bring about an altered state of
consciousness, it is not necessarily the same state of consciousness as you achieve when you use the 3 to 1, 10 to 1 method to enter your level.
We use physical and mental relaxation, and countdowns, to enter a state of dynamic meditation. Then you learn how to maintain a light level of meditation even after you activate your mind so that you can go to work to correct problems. This is active meditation, because you can take action to correct problems.
If you prefer, of course, you can use the deepening exercises - countdowns, physical and mental relaxation,
visualizing tranquil and passive scenes - to achieve a deep state of passive meditation. Do this for 15 minutes a day and it will strengthen your immune mechanism and help you in many other ways.
There are other terms that are not always clearly defined, such as prayer.
There are many different definitions - and methods - for prayer.
Here's how I see the process of prayer:
It is the process of making your needs known to higher intelligence, on the "other side," as I like to say. It is
also giving thanks when you receive guidance and help from higher intelligence.
We pray by concentrating on our needs and on making higher intelligence aware of our needs.
The first thing you want to do when working on a project is to concentrate on the project yourself, to meditate on it so that you can solve your own problems.
When you have concentrated and meditated on your project, then it is important to go out and take action.
It is important to use your body as well as your mind.
We want to use both dimensions to correct problems.
When you reach a sticking point and do not know what to do next, then you concentrate on making your needs known to higher intelligence. By doing that, at the correct level, you will receive guidance from the other side to help you continue on with your project.
That guidance might come in the form of an idea, so that you will know what to do next. Again, you must act on that idea to determine if it was actually information from the other side, or only a fantasy that you created with
your imagination.
How do you determine whether the idea came from higher intelligence, or from your own imagination?
By the results that you get.
If the information helps you to correct the problem, then you can take it for granted that it came from higher
intelligence. If it doesn't help you to correct the problem, then it was probably your own idea.
In that case, try again:
Do some more deepening, work some health cases, check with your Silva Method lecturer for guidance - do whatever is necessary for you to learn to get to the correct level where you can communicate successfully with the other side.
On the other hand, the guidance from higher intelligence might come in the form of a "coincidence" in the physical world. This is a sign to guide you as to which way to proceed.
Perhaps someone comes and offers you some help. Maybe you read an article that helps you determine what to do next. Maybe your way is suddenly blocked, and you cannot proceed as you had hoped to. As the lyrics to an old song say, sometimes you ask if you can have something or do something and the answer is No.
Keep in mind that we first attempt to correct problems ourselves. That's what we were sent here to do. Concentrate on correcting the problem yourself first. And when you successfully correct a problem yourself, remember to express your gratitude to higher intelligence for having the ability to correct problems.
When you get stuck, pray for guidance and help in solving the problem. You don't tell higher intelligence to
solve it for you; you concentrate on asking for guidance so that you can go ahead and finish the job yourself.
When you have completed the project, pray again to give thanks for the help that you received. Concentrate on the completed project, and concentrate on conveying your appreciation to higher intelligence for the help that you received.
We have been assigned to do a job here on planet earth, and those who assigned us are there to back us up
and help us when we need help.
They are willing to help us when we need it. That's their assignment. They are not there to do our work for us.
They are not there to give us things just for the sake of having things.
They give us help based on our performance, on what we have done in the past. If you have a solid record of
correcting problems - not just for yourself and your family, but any problems that are given to you - then the
other side will provide you with a lot of help.
Promises to help out in the future don't mean much to our helpers on the other side. Anybody can promise
anything. They go by your record of what you've been doing with what you already have.
If you have demonstrated by your actions that you meet your obligation to help correct problems whenever you
encounter them - even if you do not receive any kind of compensation for doing so - then the other side is eager to help you so that you can continue to fulfill your mission on earth.
During my 82 years on this planet, I have observed that the people who prosper the most are the people who
correct the most problems. But they don't correct problems in order to prosper, they correct problems because that's what human beings were sent here to do.
They are not foolish about it - they have enough common sense to know that they need resources to work with if they are going to correct a lot of problems, so they make their needs known to the other side and get what they need. Then they use what they get to continue to correct problems.
If you mediate on that, at a deep enough level, you will understand. When you understand, you will take action
and become a better problem solver.
--- --- --- ---
Thank you for joining us, and please be sure to check out all of the excellent resources at to help you continue to get Better, Better, and Better.
Thank you.
by Jose Silva
One of the biggest problems in our new science is terminology. This is true of any new science: There are no words to explain what we have found.
Freud surely found this when he invented psychology, and he invented terms like the subconscious to help him explain what he found. He re-defined other words, and created new words, like ego, superego, and id, to help him explain his system.
Those words don't mean anything unless you understand his system.
If you accept his ideas, then those terms make sense.
Other pioneers in psychology and related fields created their own words and terms to represent what they were doing. That's why we have peak experiences, the collective unconscious, akashic records, nirvana, heaven,
and all sorts of other terms. They define what somebody felt was important.
Even a simple word like meditation has many different meanings.
One person's meditation is another person's concentration. Some people say that Silva Method graduates are not meditating when we go to level to work on a project, but if we calm our mind, perhaps we'll go into meditation.
What's that again?
Well, that's alright, because we call what we do "dynamic meditation."
If somebody starts talking to you about meditation, you might want to ask them to define the term for you. Then you will have a better idea of what they are talking about.
You can meditate on anything.
*When you meditate on a picture, or on symbols. Calm your mind by concentrating on a picture and you are
*When you meditate on music. Calm your mind while listening to great classical music and you are meditating.
*If you concentrate on a project at your level, you are meditating on that project.
Of course concentration can be tricky too. Comedian Jeff Foxworthy said you may be a "redneck" - a term
embraced by working people who are more comfortable in overalls than a tuxedo - he said you may be a redneck if you sit and stare at a can of frozen orange juice because the label says "concentrate."
"Concentrate" is defined differently when you are speaking of orange juice: it means to reduce the volume by
removing water.
What we mean by concentrate is to direct your thoughts and attention towards one thing only. This will calm your mind and help you achieve an altered state of consciousness and a lower brain frequency.
And there are many different kinds of meditation, determined by the process used, the goals sought, and what
happens when you do it.
For instance, concentrating on a picture, or concentrating on your breath, or concentrating on a word or
phrase and repeating it over and over either mentally or verbally is something that is taught in yoga.
That's different from what we do in the Silva Method, and while it can bring about an altered state of
consciousness, it is not necessarily the same state of consciousness as you achieve when you use the 3 to 1, 10 to 1 method to enter your level.
We use physical and mental relaxation, and countdowns, to enter a state of dynamic meditation. Then you learn how to maintain a light level of meditation even after you activate your mind so that you can go to work to correct problems. This is active meditation, because you can take action to correct problems.
If you prefer, of course, you can use the deepening exercises - countdowns, physical and mental relaxation,
visualizing tranquil and passive scenes - to achieve a deep state of passive meditation. Do this for 15 minutes a day and it will strengthen your immune mechanism and help you in many other ways.
There are other terms that are not always clearly defined, such as prayer.
There are many different definitions - and methods - for prayer.
Here's how I see the process of prayer:
It is the process of making your needs known to higher intelligence, on the "other side," as I like to say. It is
also giving thanks when you receive guidance and help from higher intelligence.
We pray by concentrating on our needs and on making higher intelligence aware of our needs.
The first thing you want to do when working on a project is to concentrate on the project yourself, to meditate on it so that you can solve your own problems.
When you have concentrated and meditated on your project, then it is important to go out and take action.
It is important to use your body as well as your mind.
We want to use both dimensions to correct problems.
When you reach a sticking point and do not know what to do next, then you concentrate on making your needs known to higher intelligence. By doing that, at the correct level, you will receive guidance from the other side to help you continue on with your project.
That guidance might come in the form of an idea, so that you will know what to do next. Again, you must act on that idea to determine if it was actually information from the other side, or only a fantasy that you created with
your imagination.
How do you determine whether the idea came from higher intelligence, or from your own imagination?
By the results that you get.
If the information helps you to correct the problem, then you can take it for granted that it came from higher
intelligence. If it doesn't help you to correct the problem, then it was probably your own idea.
In that case, try again:
Do some more deepening, work some health cases, check with your Silva Method lecturer for guidance - do whatever is necessary for you to learn to get to the correct level where you can communicate successfully with the other side.
On the other hand, the guidance from higher intelligence might come in the form of a "coincidence" in the physical world. This is a sign to guide you as to which way to proceed.
Perhaps someone comes and offers you some help. Maybe you read an article that helps you determine what to do next. Maybe your way is suddenly blocked, and you cannot proceed as you had hoped to. As the lyrics to an old song say, sometimes you ask if you can have something or do something and the answer is No.
Keep in mind that we first attempt to correct problems ourselves. That's what we were sent here to do. Concentrate on correcting the problem yourself first. And when you successfully correct a problem yourself, remember to express your gratitude to higher intelligence for having the ability to correct problems.
When you get stuck, pray for guidance and help in solving the problem. You don't tell higher intelligence to
solve it for you; you concentrate on asking for guidance so that you can go ahead and finish the job yourself.
When you have completed the project, pray again to give thanks for the help that you received. Concentrate on the completed project, and concentrate on conveying your appreciation to higher intelligence for the help that you received.
We have been assigned to do a job here on planet earth, and those who assigned us are there to back us up
and help us when we need help.
They are willing to help us when we need it. That's their assignment. They are not there to do our work for us.
They are not there to give us things just for the sake of having things.
They give us help based on our performance, on what we have done in the past. If you have a solid record of
correcting problems - not just for yourself and your family, but any problems that are given to you - then the
other side will provide you with a lot of help.
Promises to help out in the future don't mean much to our helpers on the other side. Anybody can promise
anything. They go by your record of what you've been doing with what you already have.
If you have demonstrated by your actions that you meet your obligation to help correct problems whenever you
encounter them - even if you do not receive any kind of compensation for doing so - then the other side is eager to help you so that you can continue to fulfill your mission on earth.
During my 82 years on this planet, I have observed that the people who prosper the most are the people who
correct the most problems. But they don't correct problems in order to prosper, they correct problems because that's what human beings were sent here to do.
They are not foolish about it - they have enough common sense to know that they need resources to work with if they are going to correct a lot of problems, so they make their needs known to the other side and get what they need. Then they use what they get to continue to correct problems.
If you mediate on that, at a deep enough level, you will understand. When you understand, you will take action
and become a better problem solver.
--- --- --- ---
Thank you for joining us, and please be sure to check out all of the excellent resources at to help you continue to get Better, Better, and Better.
Thank you.
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