Most of us enjoy our lives and seek to make them better and better. How to make them better? Most people agree that balance is the key.
How do you keep balance in your life? Do you have a process that allows you to know when things are 'off kilter'?
When you watch this video from Vishen Lakhiani you may choose to take a few notes. Definitely worth your time!
The Silva Method, Silva Life System and Silva Intuition Training - sharing these is a joy. It's so uplifting and rewarding to see people learn the skills and techniques, apply them in their lives and increase their fulfillment and happiness. I am privileged to work with Silva Graduates in a coaching relationship.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
UltraSuccessful People, Their Books/Course and How To Get Their Techniques To Work For You
This is part of an article written by Jose Silva.
There have been thousands of books and courses created to help people achieve more success, and they prove useful. for a very few people. In fact, only about one person in ten receives any significant benefit from most of these books and courses...
...let's look first at what makes successful people successful. Not the person with average success, but the person with outstanding success. And not just success in one field, but success in many fields.
These very successful people have goals, of course, and a strong commitment to reach their goals. They are persistent, and are hard workers. They are reasonably intelligent, and relate well to other people.
But many people with average success share these same traits.
So what is the difference?
It is this: People who achieve outstanding success use more of their brains and minds than those who achieve average success.
Most people, approximately ninety percent, use only the left half of the brain for thinking, while the other ten percent use both sides of the brain to think with.
Does this make the ninety percent who are left brain thinkers just half as effective? No, they are usually much less than half as effective. For example, try lifting a bulky object with just one arm instead of two.
Now back to the question of why the Silva Method has helped so many people. While most books and courses motivate people and tell them how to set goals and be more persistent in striving for them, these programs do not teach people how to use the right side of the brain.
The Silva Method is the first program ever created that guides people to start using the right side of the brain to think with.
To develop all of your potential, it is essential that you use both brain hemispheres to think with, because each functions in its own way.
The left brain hemisphere interprets everything logically. The right brain hemisphere perceives things differently: it senses patterns, it creates new combinations that are not limited by logic.
Just take a look at the people who achieve above average success. When they talk, they seem to have a better grasp of things, to understand more quickly. They are more sensitive to people, and seem to know exactly how to deal with them. And they make correct decisions. More correct decisions than the average person.
While the left brain hemisphere is limited by logic, the right brain hemisphere is not biased against any information. It considers everything, and in various combinations. And the right brain hemisphere has access to more information than the left brain hemisphere because it deals with information stored in the subconscious.
Intuition - hunches are a phenomenon of the right brain hemisphere. The right brain hemisphere perceives information that the logical left brain hemisphere misses. When you are able to think with both brain hemispheres, you have much more going for you than if you are limited to only one.
How can you learn to use your right brain hemisphere to think with?
First, learn to relax and slow your brain until you are at a level comparable to light sleep. Then practice using visualization and imagination, and you are using your right brain hemisphere.
With practice, you can learn to reach this level without going to sleep The fastest way to learn is by attending the Silva Method training where a lecturer guides you.
When you have practiced enough, the proper way, then you can evoke that special feeling associated with using the right brain hemisphere at any time, so you will have access to the right brain's abilities whenever you need them.
People who achieve outstanding success all do this, although they may not realize that most people do not function the same way they do. Remember this when you read their books and take their courses. If you apply their techniques with your right brain hemisphere, then you will achieve results the way they do.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
What's Your Daily Ritual?
While I may have posted this earlier - either here or on FB - it's worth another look.
What are your daily rituals? Do they serve you well? Is 'going to level' part of your daily ritual?
Remember "5 minutes is good, 10 minutes is very good, and 15 minutes is excellent". Don't discount the power and importance of even a minute or two.
Every day in every way you're getting better better and better!
What are your daily rituals? Do they serve you well? Is 'going to level' part of your daily ritual?
Remember "5 minutes is good, 10 minutes is very good, and 15 minutes is excellent". Don't discount the power and importance of even a minute or two.
Every day in every way you're getting better better and better!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Are You Happy but Broke or a Stressed Visionary?
Vishan Lakhiani provided an interesting video today called Which Are You: "Happy but Broke” or a “Stressed Out Visionary?"
Think about what he has to say and discover where you really are. Then think about what that means for you. Do you need to do something differently? If so, what?
Think about what he has to say and discover where you really are. Then think about what that means for you. Do you need to do something differently? If so, what?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Who's Creating Your Life - Your Problems or You?
What do you notice in your life? What do you think about?
How many problems are you actively worrying about?
How many things keep you awake at night? or wake you?
Did you ever notice that problems seem to 'breed'? ie The more you have to worry about, the more problems you have to solve, the more problems you have to solve! In fact, the better you are at solving those problems the more of them you get. You may ask yourself "Do people see me as a good problem solver...the go-to person to find answers?"
Do you really choose to live that way? How can you change that?
When you 'solve' a challenging situation, tell yourself "Well, that's less difficulty to handleand soon I'll be free of difficulties!" (As a former 'go-to problem solver' I know it works because I've done it and my life is sooooo much better today.)
Now it's time to make sure you have interests and activities that are fun, uplifting, happy, fulfilling and the like. You cannot give up something without putting something in it's place. This is the Clean Closet Principal: if you remove most or all of the stuff, soon it's filled up again and almost always the new stuff is just as undesireable as the original stuff. Instead of returning to an old habit of worry and problems, make sure your life is filled with positive thoughts, words and experiences. Get excited about life!
Of course there will be challenging situations throughout life. It just happens sometimes but it doesnt have to be your theme. YOU control the theme of your thoughts, your days and your life. Sooner or later you'll notice that your life is going along much smoother than in the past...and you're loving it!
Let's look forward to better thoughts, better days and a better life every every way!
How many problems are you actively worrying about?
How many things keep you awake at night? or wake you?
Did you ever notice that problems seem to 'breed'? ie The more you have to worry about, the more problems you have to solve, the more problems you have to solve! In fact, the better you are at solving those problems the more of them you get. You may ask yourself "Do people see me as a good problem solver...the go-to person to find answers?"
Do you really choose to live that way? How can you change that?
When you 'solve' a challenging situation, tell yourself "Well, that's less difficulty to handleand soon I'll be free of difficulties!" (As a former 'go-to problem solver' I know it works because I've done it and my life is sooooo much better today.)
Now it's time to make sure you have interests and activities that are fun, uplifting, happy, fulfilling and the like. You cannot give up something without putting something in it's place. This is the Clean Closet Principal: if you remove most or all of the stuff, soon it's filled up again and almost always the new stuff is just as undesireable as the original stuff. Instead of returning to an old habit of worry and problems, make sure your life is filled with positive thoughts, words and experiences. Get excited about life!
Of course there will be challenging situations throughout life. It just happens sometimes but it doesnt have to be your theme. YOU control the theme of your thoughts, your days and your life. Sooner or later you'll notice that your life is going along much smoother than in the past...and you're loving it!
Let's look forward to better thoughts, better days and a better life every every way!
Monday, August 9, 2010
From Infinity to Infinity - Microcosm to Macrocosm
In the Silva Life System we have an exercise called The Fantastic Voyage. It's an awesome experience!
This video may give you a sense of how it feels to take this voyage.
I'm looking forward to sharing it with you.
This video may give you a sense of how it feels to take this voyage.
I'm looking forward to sharing it with you.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
What Is & How Is "Faith" Important in Silva?
Many people talk about faith and how important it is, but few really understand what faith is. Here is Jose Silva's explanation:
It is important to have faith. But to have it, we must first know what it is and understand it.
Faith is composed of Desire, Belief, and Expectancy. Let us take a look at those three components of faith in some detail, to see how we can increase them.
Desire stems from need. When there is a genuine need, you have genuine desire. This is important because it is a motive force,compelling us towards our goals.
There is little desire in luxuries because there is no real need, but there is great desire when necessities are lacking because life itself can be threatened. To develop your abilities, seek out the problems and help correct them. Then later, when you have more experience, you will be better able to attain the luxuries.
This, we believe, is why we were guided to be successful in developing the Silva Method, the only system of mind training ever developed to help people learn to use the alpha level and the subjective, spiritual, dimension consciously to correct problems on our planet. Many other systems have copied our, but no one else has originated such a system.
Throughout our research, we worked on real, existing problem cases. While other researchers chose to have psychics guess what was on ESP cards, or try to control the throw of the dice, we were having our subjects detect health problems, and other kinds of problems, and then do whatever they thought would help correct the problems.
This kind of effort paid off. It seems as though a diseased human organ, or injured human tissue, calls out somehow for help. Therefore it is easier to become aware of a problem that of something that is not a problem.
We see so-called miracles when desire - that is, need is very strong. When a person has a great need - for instance, when life is threatened - then there is so much desire that it will carry the other two factors even if they are very weak. All three factors must be there, but one very strong factor can carry the others.
Belief is what sustains you along the way from the motivation of your desire to the target of your expectancy. Desire pushes and motivates you, belief keeps you going, and expectancy is your goal, your target.
How can you build a stronger belief factor?
As long as you continue to practice, you are expressing your belief. You can build more belief by repeating (attending and repeating the SLS and SIT) the Basic Lecture Series, reading all the books available, and staying involved in graduate activities.
At your level, check your belief systems: Do you believe your goal is possible? If not, establish interim goals that are believable to you.
Do you believe you deserve what you are seeking? If you have any doubt, then start doing something to serve humanity and to correct problems that you see. When you are correcting problems, without creating any new problems, then you will receive all that you need to continue your work. Promises don't count - you must demonstrate your service first.
Expectancy is the goal. Expectancy grows through repeated successes. It is important to practice as much as possible to increase expectancy.
So develop your expectancy factor through practice. But remember to practice on the right things: the problem areas, not the luxuries. When you are more proficient, then you will be able to obtain all the luxuries you need. You notice I said need - not necessarily all you desire, but all you need.
In developing the ability to use your mind more effectively, you must do the same as when developing your muscles: practice, practice, practice....
...First, learn to find and consciously use the alpha dimension... Then help correct the problems... The luxuries will come later.
Develop your ability to function at alpha. Develop your faith. Apply all of this to the correction of problems that hurt the inhabitants of our planet, and the planet itself, and you will eventually achieve all that you need and much, much more.
by Jose Silva
Article provided by SIGA (Silva International Grad Assoc.)
It is important to have faith. But to have it, we must first know what it is and understand it.
Faith is composed of Desire, Belief, and Expectancy. Let us take a look at those three components of faith in some detail, to see how we can increase them.
Desire stems from need. When there is a genuine need, you have genuine desire. This is important because it is a motive force,compelling us towards our goals.
There is little desire in luxuries because there is no real need, but there is great desire when necessities are lacking because life itself can be threatened. To develop your abilities, seek out the problems and help correct them. Then later, when you have more experience, you will be better able to attain the luxuries.
This, we believe, is why we were guided to be successful in developing the Silva Method, the only system of mind training ever developed to help people learn to use the alpha level and the subjective, spiritual, dimension consciously to correct problems on our planet. Many other systems have copied our, but no one else has originated such a system.
Throughout our research, we worked on real, existing problem cases. While other researchers chose to have psychics guess what was on ESP cards, or try to control the throw of the dice, we were having our subjects detect health problems, and other kinds of problems, and then do whatever they thought would help correct the problems.
This kind of effort paid off. It seems as though a diseased human organ, or injured human tissue, calls out somehow for help. Therefore it is easier to become aware of a problem that of something that is not a problem.
We see so-called miracles when desire - that is, need is very strong. When a person has a great need - for instance, when life is threatened - then there is so much desire that it will carry the other two factors even if they are very weak. All three factors must be there, but one very strong factor can carry the others.
Belief is what sustains you along the way from the motivation of your desire to the target of your expectancy. Desire pushes and motivates you, belief keeps you going, and expectancy is your goal, your target.
How can you build a stronger belief factor?
As long as you continue to practice, you are expressing your belief. You can build more belief by repeating (attending and repeating the SLS and SIT) the Basic Lecture Series, reading all the books available, and staying involved in graduate activities.
At your level, check your belief systems: Do you believe your goal is possible? If not, establish interim goals that are believable to you.
Do you believe you deserve what you are seeking? If you have any doubt, then start doing something to serve humanity and to correct problems that you see. When you are correcting problems, without creating any new problems, then you will receive all that you need to continue your work. Promises don't count - you must demonstrate your service first.
Expectancy is the goal. Expectancy grows through repeated successes. It is important to practice as much as possible to increase expectancy.
So develop your expectancy factor through practice. But remember to practice on the right things: the problem areas, not the luxuries. When you are more proficient, then you will be able to obtain all the luxuries you need. You notice I said need - not necessarily all you desire, but all you need.
In developing the ability to use your mind more effectively, you must do the same as when developing your muscles: practice, practice, practice....
...First, learn to find and consciously use the alpha dimension... Then help correct the problems... The luxuries will come later.
Develop your ability to function at alpha. Develop your faith. Apply all of this to the correction of problems that hurt the inhabitants of our planet, and the planet itself, and you will eventually achieve all that you need and much, much more.
by Jose Silva
Article provided by SIGA (Silva International Grad Assoc.)
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